7. Probability and Statistics Soviet Essays - Sheynin, Oscar

7. Probability and Statistics Soviet Essays - Sheynin, Oscar

7. Probability and Statistics Soviet Essays - Sheynin, Oscar


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Obukhov, A.M. 1. Normal correlation of vectors. IAN 1938, 339 – 370.2. Theory of correlation of vectors. Uch. Zap. MGU 45, 1940, 73 – 92.3. On dissipation of sound in a turbulent current. DAN 30, 1941, 611 – 614.4. On distribution of energy in a spectrum of a turbulent current. DAN 32, 1941, 22 – 24.5. +0 . . (Application of Methods of StatisticalDescription of Continuous Fields to the Theory of Atmospheric Turbulence).M., 194<strong>7.</strong> A thesis.Ogorodnikov, K.F. 1. Sur le théorème limite de théorie des erreursd’observation. IAN, ser. Fiz.-Math., 1931, 1 – 21.Omshansky, M.A. 1. On the variance of the singularities of a r<strong>and</strong>omseries without dependences. Trudy Glavn. Geofizich. Observatorii 10, 1936,112 – 116.Pankin, A.V. 1. Application of the theory of r<strong>and</strong>om errors to the treatmentof time-studies. Vestnik Metallopromyshlennosti 5, 1931, 69 – 78.Parfentiev, N.N. 1. Application of the theory of probability for obtaining aprecise comparative estimate of observed phenomena when the scale formeasuring is lacking. Izvestia Kazan Fiz.-Matematich. Obshchestvo (2), 23,1923, 21 – 23.2. La déduction asymptotique de la loi de Bernoulli dans la théorie desprobabilités. Uch. Zap. Kazan Univ. 87, 1927, 90 – 91.Persidsky, K.P. 1. On Markov’s theorem. Izvestia Kazan Fiz.-Matematich.Obshchestvo 4, 1929 – 1930, 37 – 40.2. On the main theorem of the theory of probability. IAN, ser. Fiz.-Mat.,1932, 639 – 656.3. On a theorem of the theory of probability. Uch. Zap. Kazan Univ.,Math., 4:1, 1932, 37 – 42.4. On limit theorems. Ibidem, 43 – 48.5. A few remarks on the law of large numbers. Ibidem, 49 – 54.6. On the law of large numbers. DAN 18, 1938, 81 – 84.Petrenko, A.I. 1. On checking the solution of normal equations. Nauchn.Zapiski Voronezh Selskokhoziastven Inst. 3 (18), 1936, 139 – 149.Petrovsky, I.G. 1. Über das Irrfahrtproblem. Math. Ann. 109, 1934,425 – 444.2. Zur ersten R<strong>and</strong>wertaufgabe der Wärmeleitungsgleichung. Comp.Math. 1, 1935, 383 – 419.Plesner, A.I. 1. Über das Gesetz der großen Zahlen. MS 1 (43), 1936,165 – 168.Pomerantseva-Iliinskaia, E.N. 1. On estimating the error of the meanhaving a small number of observations. Zhurnal Geofiziki 6:1 (19), 1936, 34– 49.Popov, V.S. 1. On determining a straight line given the measuredcoordinates of its points. Zapiski Belorussk. AN 2, 1930, 79 – 80.Raikov, D.A. 1. On the decomposition of the Poisson law. DAN 14, 1937,9 – 12.2. On the decomposition of the Poisson <strong>and</strong> Gauss laws. IAN 1938,91 – 124.3. On the connection between the central limit theorem <strong>and</strong> the law oflarge numbers. Ibidem, 323 – 338.4. A theorem from the theory of analytic characteristic functions. IzvestiaNI IMM Tomsk Univ. 2:2, 1938, 8 – 11.5. On the arranging of analytic distribution functions. DAN 23, 1939,

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