7. Probability and Statistics Soviet Essays - Sheynin, Oscar

7. Probability and Statistics Soviet Essays - Sheynin, Oscar

7. Probability and Statistics Soviet Essays - Sheynin, Oscar


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of the 19 th century. True, the spread of triangulation over great territories as well as thenew technology dem<strong>and</strong>ed the solution of many practical problems.}4. {Markov’s textbook does not make easy reading. Recall his own words (Ltter toChuprov of 1910; Ondar 1977, p. 21): I have often heard that my presentation is notsufficiently clear.}5. {Gnedenko had greatly enhanced his appraisal of Slutsky by inserting his portrait, theonly one except for Kolmogorov’s.}6. {Before ca. 1989 no academy of sciences ever existed in <strong>Soviet</strong> Russia, by far thelargest union republic.}<strong>7.</strong> {Gnedenko mentioned books of several eminent mathematicians (Kolmogorov,Khinchin, Linnik, Skorokhod, Dynkin <strong>and</strong> himself). Since then, many books, notablyKolmogorov’s Selected Works, have appeared in translation abroad. One of these was thebook mentioned in [7].}8. {The authors of the latter book were mentioned on the title-page in the opposite order,see References.}References1. Bernstein, S.N. (1911), (Theory of <strong>Probability</strong>). Kharkov.Mimeographed edition. Four ordinary editions (1927 – 1946).2. --- (1912, in French), Demonstration of the Weierstrass theorem based on the theoryof probability. Russian translation: (Coll. Works), vol. 1. N.p., 1952,pp. 105 – 10<strong>7.</strong> English translation: Math. Scientist, vol. 29, 2004, pp. 127 – 128.3. Bolshev, L.N., Smirnov, N.V. (1968), ) (Tables of Mathematical <strong>Statistics</strong>). M.4. Buniakovsky, V.Ya. (1846), ! (Principles of the Mathematical Theory of <strong>Probability</strong>). Petersburg.5. Dunin-Barkovsky, I.V., Smirnov, N.V. (1955), ( (Theory of <strong>Probability</strong> <strong>and</strong> Mathematical<strong>Statistics</strong> in Technical Sciences). M.6. Ermakov, V.P. (1878; 1879), 1 (Elementary Course in the Theory of probability). Kiev.<strong>7.</strong> Gnedenko, B.V., <strong>Sheynin</strong>, O. (1978, in Russian), Theory of probability, this being achapter in Mathematics of the 19 th Century, vol. 1. Editors, A.N. Kolmogorov. A.P.Youshkevich. Basel, 1992 <strong>and</strong> 2001, pp. 211 – 288.8. Kolmogorov, A.N. (1948, in Russian), Slutsky, an obituary. Math. Scientist, vol. 27,2002, pp. 67 – 74.9. Linnik, Yu.V. (1966), '. %(Statistical problems with Nuisance Parameters). M.10. Markov, A.A. (1900), (Calculus of <strong>Probability</strong>). LaterRussian editions: 1908, 1913, 1924. German translation: 1912.11. Ondar, Kh.O., Editor (1977, in Russian), Correspondence between A.A. Markov <strong>and</strong>A.A. Chuprov. New York, 1981.12. Slutsky, E.E. (1912), ) 5 ( % (Theory of Correlation <strong>and</strong> the Elements of the Theory of DistributionCurves). Kiev.13. Smirnov, N.V., Dunin-Barkovsky, I.V. (1959), in Russian). Mathematische Statistikin der Technik. Berlin, 1969, 1973.14. Tikhom<strong>and</strong>ritsky, M.A. (1898), # (Course in Theory of<strong>Probability</strong> Theory). Kharkov.

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