7. Probability and Statistics Soviet Essays - Sheynin, Oscar

7. Probability and Statistics Soviet Essays - Sheynin, Oscar

7. Probability and Statistics Soviet Essays - Sheynin, Oscar


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Liapin, N.M. 1. Deriving a formula for the mean r<strong>and</strong>om variation of the diurnal rate ofthe chronometer. Uch. Zapiski Odessa Vyssh. Shkoly 1, 1921, 9 – 14.2. On a main property of r<strong>and</strong>om errors. Ibidem, 15 – 18.Linnik, Yu.V. 1. On the precision of the approximation of sums of independent r<strong>and</strong>omvariables to the Gauss distribution. DAN 55, 1947, 575 – 578.2. Same title. IAN 11, 1947, 111 – 138.Loshchinin, P.E. 1. A variety of an urn problem. Sbornik Rabot Bukhara Pedagogich. Inst.1938, 69 – 72.Lukomsky, Ya.I. 1. Application of the theory of means to a r<strong>and</strong>om sample. ProblemyUcheta i Statistiki 11 (5), 1937, 146 – 153.Lurie, A.L. 1. The direct, the inverse, <strong>and</strong> the unconditional laws of large numbers. DAN49, 1945, 566 – 569.2. On the inverse Bernoulli theorem. DAN 50, 1945, 45 – 48.Lvov, N.N. 1. On the probable error of a curve constructed by means of scattered points.Zapiski Saratov Plan. Inst. 7, 1940, 197 – 203.Maltsev, A.I. 1. A remark to Kolmogorov, Petrov & Smirnov 1. IAN 11, 1947, 567 – 568.Markov, A.A. 1. On some limiting formulas of the calculus of probability. IAN 11, 1917,177 – 186.2. Generalization of the problem of a consecutive exchange of balls. IAN 12, 1918, 261 –266.3. A few problems from the calculus of probability. Ibidem, 2101 – 2116.4. On the coefficient of dispersion, second note. IAN 14, 1920, 191 – 198.5. The difficulty of the method of moments <strong>and</strong> two examples of incompletelysurmounting it. IAN, 16, 1922, 281 – 286.6. (Calculus of <strong>Probability</strong>). M., 1924. Fourth edition.<strong>7.</strong> On ellipsoids (ellipses) of concentration <strong>and</strong> correlation. IAN, 18, 1924, 117 – 126.Markov’s (Sel. Works). N.p., 1951, contain reprints of Items 1, 2 <strong>and</strong>4.Matusevich, N.N. 1. On a formula of the theory of errors. Zapiski po Gidrografii 2, 1932,43 – 48.Mechnikov, V.V. 1. On the probability of hits when shooting at a moving target. IzvestiaL. Voennotekhnich. Akad. 1, 1927, 114 – 12<strong>7.</strong>Mitropolsky, A.K. 1. ! (Fundamentals of <strong>Statistics</strong>), vol. 1. L., 1925.2. On establishing correlation equations by the Chebyshev method. IAN 1937, 125 – 138.3. On working out correlation equations having a small number of trials. Trudy L.Lesotekhnich. Akad. 48, 1937, 3 – 48.4. On multiple non-linear correlation equations. IAN 1939, 399 – 406.5. On working out correlation equations by the method of sums. Trudy M. Lesotekhnich.Akad. 60, 1947, 63 – 72.Mordukhai-Boltovkoy, D.D. 1. On Cesaro’s problem concerning the calculus ofprobability. Izvestia Rostov/Don Pedagogich. Inst. 9, 1938, 24 – 26.Nalbaldian, Ya.A. 1. A generalization of the Buffon problem. Uch. Zap. Rostov/Don Univ.8, 1936, 1644 – 1669.Natanson, I.P. 1. On a limit theorem of the theory of probability. Trudy L. Inst. Tochn.Mekhaniki i Optiki 1:2, 1940, 109 – 111.Nemchinov, V.S. 1. + /' .. (Chebyshev Polynomials <strong>and</strong>Mathematical <strong>Statistics</strong>). M., 1946.Novikov, V.S. 1. On some properties of the formula for the aggregate index. ProblemyUcheta i Statistiki 11 (5), 1937, 140 – 145.Nuvariev, V.S. 1. On substantiating the method of least squares. Izvestia Tomsk.Politekhnich. Inst. 62:2, 1945, 201 – 212.

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