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(23) "market" means any place set apart or ordinarily or periodically used for the assemblingof persons for the sale or purchase of grain, fruit, vegetables, meat fish or other perishablearticles of food or for the sale or purchase of live-stock or poultry, or of any agricultural orindustrial produce or any raw or manufactured products or any other articles or commoditynecessary for the convenience of life, provided that a single shop or group of shops, not beingmore than six in number, shall not be deemed to be a market;(24) "nuisance" includes any act, omission, place or thing which causes or is likely tocause injury, danger, annoyance, disturbance or harassment to the sense of sight, smell,hearing or to rest or sleep or which is, or may be, dangerous to life or injurious to health orproperty;(25) "Occupier" includes—(a) any person who, for the time being, is paying or is liable to pay to the owner the rentor any portion of the rent of the land or building in respect of which such rent is paid or ispayable;(b) any owner in occupation of or otherwise using his land or building;(c) a rent free tenant of any land or building;(d) a licensee in occupation of any land or building ; and(e) any person who is liable to pay the owner damages for the use or occupation of anyland or building;(26) "owner" includes-(a) a person who for the time being is receiving or is entitled to receive the amount oflease or the rent of any land or building whether on his own account or on account of himselfand others or as an agent, trustee, guardian or receiver for any other person or who shouldso receive the amount of lease or the rent or be entitled to receive it if the land or building orpart thereof were let to a lessee or a tenant on lease or rent;(b) the person for the time being in charge of the animal, vessel or vehicle in connectionwith which the word is used;(27) "Political Party" means a political party registered under section 29A of theRepresentation of the People Act, 1951 (Central Act 43 of 1951);(28) "polling station" means any place appointed for holding election to a Municipality;(29) "place of public entertainment" means any place, enclosure, building, tent, booth orother erection, whether permanent or temporary where music, singing, dancing, drama or anydiversion or game or the means of carrying on the same is provided and to which the publicare admitted, and includes a race course, circus, theatre, music hall, billiard room, bagatelleroom,gymnasium and fencing school;(30) "prescribed" means prescribed by rules made under this Act;(31) "private market" means any market other than a public market;(32) "private street" means any street, road, square, court, alley, passage or riding path which is nota public street, but does not include a path or way made by the owner of premises on his own land tosecure access to or the convenient use of such premises;(33) "public market" means any market owned, constructed, repaired or maintained bya Municipality;(34) "public street" means any street, road, square, court, alley, passage or riding pathover which the public have a right of way, whether a thoroughfare or not, and includes-

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