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applicable at the time when the institution was so placed:Provided that the extent of the independent authority of the Municipality in respect of any suchinstitution may, from time to time, be prescribed by the Government:Provided also that nothing in this section shall be held to prevent the vesting of any trustproperty in the Treasurer of Charitable Endowments under the law relating to charitable endowmentsfor the time being in force.211. Inventory of municipal property.— (1) The Secretary shall maintain an inventoryof all immovable property owned by the Municipality or to which the Municipality has areversionary right.(2) A copy of the said inventory shall be deposited with the Government and all changes shall beforthwith communicated to them.212. Limitation of power to accept property in trust.— A Municipality may accepttrusts relating exclusively to the furtherance of any purpose to which the Municipal fund may beapplied.33A. Section 208A inserted by by Act 8 of 1995, w.e.f. 5-8-1995.34, Section 209 omitted by Act 14 of 1999, w.e.f. 24-3-1999.213. Objects not provided for by this Act.— The Government may, in consultationwith a Municipality, transfer to the Municipality the management of any institution or the executionof any work not provided for by this Act, and it shall thereupon be lawful for the Municipality toundertake such management or execution:Provided that in very such case, the funds required for such management or execution shall beplaced at the disposal of the Municipality by the Government.214. Procedure for acquisition of immovable property under the Land AcquisitionAct.— 35 [(1)] Any immovable property which a Municipality is authorised by this Act to acquiremay be acquired in accordance with the provisions of the Land Acquisition Act for the timebeing in force, and on payment of the compensation awarded under this said Act in respect ofsuch property and of any other changes incurred in acquiring it, the said property shall vest in theMunicipality:Provided that nothing contained in this section shall be deemed to prevent any Municipalityfrom acquiring immovable property either through private purchase or any free surrender.35 [(2) The Municipality shall implead in all Court proceedings relating to the acquisition of landfor the Municipality.]35. Section 214 renumbered as sub-section (1) of that section and added sub-section (2) by Act 14 of1999, w.e.f. 24-3-1999.215. Power of Municipality to acquire and dispose of property.— 36 [(l) AMunicipality may in the manner prescribed, acquire any property such as land or building within or outsideits Municipal area or dispose of any of its properties with the prior approval of the Government forproviding any arrangement or facility for a public purpose, j(2)(a) A Municipality may construct commercial or other buildings and let them out to thepublic who need them on licence and may charge such fees as it may fix for the use and occupationof the same, 37 [in the manner prescribed];(b) 37A[XXX]

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