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48 [(5) The municipality shall manage to institutions and administer the schemes transferred to it,subject to the guidelines and technical directions from the Government and in accordance with the Stateand National policies.(6) Every institutions transferred by Government to the Municipality shall be in the nameof that Municipality and shall be known accordingly.(7) The Municipality shall not have power to sell, transfer, alienate or mortgage any propertytransferred to it under sub-section (3).(8) Government may resume any property transferred to the Municipality, if it is no morerequired by the Municipality for the purpose for which it was so transferred.(9) There shall be constituted a Managing Committee consisting of not more than fifteenmembers including its chairman in the prescribed manner for public health institutions transferredto the Municipality.(10) Where any scheme, project or plan involves selection of beneficiaries, the criterionfor the eligibility and priority for such selection shall be determined by the Municipality subject tothe terms and conditions of the scheme, project or plan and such criteria shall be published in theprescribed manner and shall be intimated to the Ward Committee or the Ward Sabha concerned.(11) The Municipality shall invite applications for the selection of beneficiaries and preparethe draft priority list after making enquiry on the applications received in this behalf and send itfor the consideration of the Ward Committee or the Ward Sabha concerned.(12) The Ward Committee or the Ward Sabha shall scrutinise the draft priority list for theselection of beneficiaries in a meeting convened inviting the applicants also and prepare the finallist and forward it for the approval of the council.(13) The Council shall not alter the priority of the list prepared by the Ward Committee orthe Ward Sabha.]31. Rights and Powers of Councillors.— (1) Every Councillor of a Municipality shall have the right –(a) 49 [to call the attention of the Chairperson or Secretary of the Municipality to anyneglect in the execution of municipal work, to any waste of municipal property, or to theneeds of any locality in the municipal area, to inspect the works or schemes conducted by theMunicipality] and may suggest improvements which may appear to him desirable;(b) to move resolutions and to interpellate the Chairperson on matters connected withthe Administration of a municipality subject to such regulations, as may be framed by theCouncil;(c) of access to the records of the Municipality during office hours after due notice tothe Secretary, provided that the Commissioner may, with the approval of the Chairperson, forreasons given in writing, refuse such access.32. Council's power to call for records.— The Council may, at any time, require theSecretary to produce any record or document, in his custody relating to the Municipality.33. Councils's power to call for records of Committees.— The Council may, at anytime, call for any extract from the proceedings of the Standing Committees or of any othercommittees or any return, statement, account or report relating to any matter which such committeeis empowered to deal with and every such requisition shall be complied with by the Secretary.47. Substituted for "as may be necessary" by Act 14 of 1999, w.e.f. 24-3-1999.48. Sub-sections (5) to (13) added by Act 14 of 1999, w.e.f. 24-3-1999.

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