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285. Estimates of receipts and expenditure to be prepared annually by theSecretary.— The Secretary shall, subject to such rules as may be prescribed and such instructionsas may be issued by the Government, in this behalf from time to time on or before the fifteenthday of January each year prepare and submit to the Standing Committee concerned a budgetcontaining a detailed estimate of receipts and expenditure for the ensuing year, and, if in hisopinion, it is necessary or expedient to vary taxation or to raise loans, shall submit his proposalsin regard thereto.286. Budget estimate to be prepared by the Standing Committee.— 65 [(1) TheStanding Committee concerned shall by considering the estimate and proposals of the Secretary and theofficials dealing with the respective subjects concerned submit their proposals to the StandingCommittee for finance and after considering those proposals and all the requirements of this Act theStanding Committee for finance shall prepare budget estimate of the receipts and expenditure of theMunicipality for the next year](2) The budget estimate under sub-section(l) shall-(a) provide for the payment, as they fall due, of all instalments of principal and interestfor which the Municipality may be liable on account of loans; and(b) allow for a cash balance at the end of the year of not less than 65A [five per cent] ofthe revenue of the Municipality.66 |287. Consideration of Budget Estimate by the Council— The budget estimate prepared bythe Standing Committee for finance shall be laid by its Chairman before the Council for its approval beforethe end of the first-week of March at a special meeting of the Council after an introductory address of theChairperson regarding the developmental and welfare activities intended to be undertaken and implementedby the Municipality.]288. Procedure of Council.— The Council may refer the budget estimate back to the StandingCommittee for further consideration and resubmission within a specified time, or adopt, subject to suchrules as may be prescribed, the budget estimate or any revised budget estimate submitted to it, either as itstands or subject to such alterations as it deems expedient.289. Obligation to pass budget before the beginning of the year.— 67 [1] The Councilshall finally pass the budget estimate before the beginning of the year to which it relates andforthwith submit copies thereof to the Government, and the officer authorised by the Governmentin this behalf and to the auditors.67 [(2) Unless the council has passed the budget before 1st April, from that date onwards, no amountshall be expended from the Municipal Fund.]290. Consequence of failure of Standing Committee to prepare budget.—Notwithsta- nding anything contained in sections 286,287 and 288 68 [where the standing committee for financefails] or omits or delays the preparation of the budget estimates of the Municipality within the prescribedperiod, the 69 [Chairperson] shall cause the proposals prepared by the Secretary to be laid before theCouncil and the Council shall, before the beginning of the ensuing year, pass the budget estimates asproposed by the Secretary with or without modification.291. 70 [ x x x x]292. 71 [x x x x]65. Sub-section (1) substituted by Act 14 of 1999, w.e.f. 24-3-1999.65A.Substituted by Act 8 of 1995, w.e.f. 5-8-1995.66. Section 289 substituted by Act 14 of 1999, w.e.f. 24-3-1999.

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