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(3) No person shall exhibit or expose to public view for sale or otherwise, the carcassesor animal or bird (whether dressed or not) in any licensed premises or in any other place insuch a manner as to cause annoyance or offence to the sense of sight of public.(4) Every licence granted under sub-section (2) shall, unless an earlier date is specifiedtherein, expire at the end of the year in which it is granted.470. Power to prohibit or regulate the sale of articles in public streets.—(1) TheMunicipality may, prohibit, by public notice, or regulate by licence or otherwise the sale or exposure for sale, ofany animals or articles in or on any public street or part thereof.(2) Where any person exposes for sale any animal or articles in any public street orpart thereof in contravention of any public notice issued under sub-section (1) or of therestrictions and conditions of a licence granted thereunder or of any regulation under the saidsub-section, the Secretary may, without prejudice to any other action that may be takenagainst him under this Act, cause to be removed -(a) such animal or articles, and(b) any vehicle, package, box or any other thing on which the articles referred to inclause (a) is placed.(3) Any animal caused to be removed by the Secretary under sub-section (2) may,notwithstanding that such animal is not a cattle as defined in the Kerala Cattle Trespass Act,1961 (26 of 1961), be impounded and dealt with under the provisions of that Act.(4) Any article, vehicle, package, box, or any other thing caused to be removed by theSecretary under sub-section (2) shall, unless the owner thereof turns upto take back sucharticle, vehicle, package, box or other thing and pays to the Secretary the charges for theremoval and storage thereof, be disposed of by the Secretary by public auction or in suchother manner and within such time as the Secretary thinks fit.(5) The charges for the removal and storage of the article, vehicle, package, box orother thing sold under sub-section (4) shall be paid out of the proceeds of the sale thereof andthe balance, if any, shall be paid to the owner of the article, vehicle, package, box or other thingsold, on a claim being made thereof within a period of one year from the date of sale, and if no suchclaim is made within the said period, shall be credited to the municipal fund.471. Decision on disputes as to whether places are markets.— Where any questionarises as to whether any place within a Municipal area where person assemble for the sale orpurchase of article of food or clothing or livestock or poultry, or coconut or palmyra product orother industrial crops or of any other raw or manufactured products is a market or not, theMunicipality shall make a reference to the Government and the decision of the Government onthe question shall be final.CART STANDS472. Provision of public cart stands etc.— (1) A Municipality may, subject to such41 [guidelines] as the Government may issue in this behalf, construct or provide public landingplaces, halting places and cart stands and may levy fees for the use of the same.(2) The Municipality may-(a) place the collection of any such fees under the management of such person as mayappear to it to be proper; or41. Substituted for the words "directions" by Act 14 of 1999. w.e.f. 24-3-1999.42. Substituted for the words by Act 14 of 1999, w.e.f. 24-3-1999.

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