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572. Confirmation of bye-laws or regulations.— (1) No bye-law or regulation or anycancellation or alteration thereof shall have effect until the same is approved and confirmed bythe Government.(2) A bye-law or regulation or cancellation or alteration thereof approved and confirmed undersub-section (1) shall be published in the Gazette and shall come into operation on the date of suchpublications unless a different date is provided therein.84 [573. Cancellation of Bye-laws or Regulations.— The Government, may for the reasons t© bespecified in the order in this behalf, cancel any Bye-law or Regulation and thereafter such Bye-law orRegulation shall be of no effect:Provided that before cancelling any Bye-law or Regulation under this section, the Council concernedshall be given an opportunity to express its opinion in respect of the cancellation.]574, Copies of Act, rules, bye-laws and regulations to be sold at the office of theMunicipality.— Copies, in English and in the language of the locality, of this Act and the rules, bye-lawsand regulations made thereunder shall be kept at the office of the Municipality for sale.CHAPTER XXVIIREPEAL575. Repeal and saving.— (1) With effect on and from the commencement of this Actthe Kerala Municipalities Act, 1960 (14 of 1961), the Kerala Municipal Corporations Act, 1961(30 of 1961), the Guruvayur Township Act, 1961 (43 of 1961), the Kerala Municipalities Ordinance,1994 (2 of 1994) and the provisions of the Kerala Local Authorities (Constitution and Preparationof Electoral Rolls) Act, 1994 (4 of 1994), in so far as they relate to Municipalities, shall standrepealed.(2) Notwithstanding such repeal-(i) the committees in office at the commencement of this Act appointed by the Government toexercise the powers perform the functions of the municipal Councils; the Chairman of the StandingCommittees under the Kerala Municipalities Act 1960 (14 of 1960) and the Collectors appointed by theGovernment to exercise the powers and perform the functions of the Councils, the Mayors and theStanding Committees under the Municipal Corporation Act, 1961 (30 of 1961) in office at suchcommencement and the Guruvayoor Township Committee constituted under the Guruvayoor TownshipAct, 1961 (43 of 1961) shall continue, as if it were the Municipal Councils or Corporation Councils orTownship Committees constituted, respectively, under the said enactments, till correspondingMunicipalities are constituted under this Act; or they are dissolved by the Government, whicheveroccurs earlier;(ii) any appointment, rules, including rules in the Schedules to the repealed Acts, bye-laws, regulationsor forms made, notifications, notice, order, scheme or direction issued, tax fee or fine or other penalty,imposed, licence, permission or exemption granted under the repealed enactments and in force atsuch commencement shall, in so far as they are not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act,continue to be in force as if made, issued, imposed or granted as the case may be by the correspondingMunicipalities under the provisions of this Act until superseded, amended or modified by anyappointment, rules, bye-laws or regulations, notifications, notice, order, scheme, direction, tax, fee, fine orother penalty, licence, permission or exemption, made, issued, imposed or granted as the case may beunder this Act;84. Section 573 substituted by Act 14 of 1999, w.e.f. 24-3-1999.

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