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(d) provide passages of sufficient width between the stalls and make such alterationsin the stalls, passages, shops, doors or other parts of the markets as the Municipality maydirect; and(e) keep it in cleanly and proper state and remove all filth and refuse therfrom.464. Suspension or refusal of licence in default.— (1} Where any person after noticegiven to him in that behalf by the Municipality fails within the period and in the manner specified in the saidnotice to carry out any of the works specified in section 463, the Municipality may suspend the licence ofthe said person or may refuse to grant to him a licence, until such works have been completed.(2) No person shall open or keep open any such market after suspension or refusal of thelicence.465. Prohibition of nuisance in private market.— No owner, occupier agent ormanager in charge of any private market or of any shop, stall, shed or other place therein shallkeep the same so as to cause a nuisance or shall fail to cause anything that is a nuisance to beat once removed to a place to be specified by the Municipality.466. Power to close private market.— The Secretary or any officer duly authorisedby him in that behalf may close any private market in respect of which no licence has beenapplied for or the licence for which has been refused, withheld or suspended or which is held orkept open contrary to the provision of this Act.467. Acquisition of rights of private persons to hold private markets.—(1) AMunicipality may acquire the right of any person to hold a private market in any place and to levy feetherein and where the right to hold the market is acquired during the currency of a licence issued tosuch person, he shall be paid compensation for the unexpired period of the licence calculated on thebasis of the profit he would have derived from the market, had his right to hold the market been notacquired.(2) On such acquisition under sub-section (1), the rights of the person to hold the private marketand to levy fees therein shall vest in the Municipality,468. Duty of expelling persons suffering from infectious diseases etc., from marketand power to expel disturbers.— The person in charge of a market shall prevent the entrytherein or expel therefrom any person suffering from any infectious or contagious disease whosells or exposes for sale therein any article or who, not having purchased the same, handles anyarticles exposed for the sale therein and may expel therefrom any person who is creatingdisturbance therein.469. Butcher's fishmonger's and poulterer's Licence.— (1) No person shall withoutor otherwise than in conformity with a licence from a Municipality 38 [carry on the occupation ofbutcher, fishmonger or poulterer] or use any place for the sale of flesh or fish intended for humanfood in any place within a Municipal area:Provided that no licence shall be required for a place used for the selling or storing for sale of -19 [preserved fish or flesh kept in airtight and scaled containers].(2) The Secretary may, by order and subject to such restrictions as to supervision andinspection as he thinks fit, grant or refuse to grant such licence.38. Substituted for the words by Act 14 of 1999, w.e.f. 24-3-1999.39. Substituted for the words byAct 14 of 1999, w.e.f. 24-3-1999.

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