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438. Power to dispose of stray pigs and dogs.— The Secretary may order for theseizure and destruction of unlicensed pigs or dogs straying in the municipal area shall make sucharrangements therefor as he may deem fit.GENERAL439. Power of Secretary to use or sell materials of dangerous structure takendown, etc., and procedure when there is no owner or occupier.— (1) Where the Secretarytakes down any structure or part thereof or cuts down any tree or hedge or shrub or part thereofor removes any fruit by virtue of his powers under this Chapter, the Secretary may sell thematerials or things taken down, cut down or removed , and apply the proceeds in or towardspayment of the expenses incurred therefor.(2) Where after reasonable inquiry, it appears to the Secretary that there is no owneror occupier to whom notice can be given under any section this Chapter, he may take suchaction as may appear to him to be necessary with regard to the property concerned and maymeet the expenses incurred therefor by the sale of such property (not being land) or of anyportion thereof.(3) The Secretary may authorise any officer to seize any animal found straying inpublic roads and streets, whether licensed or not, causing obstruction to traffic or inconvenienceto public and may dispose of the animal in the same manner provided for the disposal ofimpounded cattle under the Kerala Cattle Trespass Act, 1961 (26 of 1961):Provided that the Secretary may, if he deems fit summarily recover a fine not exceeding twohundred and fifty rupees for any animal seized as a condition for release.440. Power of Secretary to issue directions to abate nuisance.— (1) Where theSecretary is satisfied that any act or omission, place or thing which causes or is likely to causeinjury, danger, annoyance, disturbance or offence to the sense of sight, smell or hearing or to restor sleep or which is or may be dangerous to life or injurious to health or property of any personor persons, he may issue such direction to such person at whose instance, he has reason tobelieve that such nuisance is caused or such act or omission it is likely to be caused and take allsteps as may be required to abate the said nuisance within such time as may be specified in thenotice which shall not exceed forty eight hours.(2) Any person to whom a direction has been issued under sub-section (1) shall be boundto comply with such direction within such time as may be specified therein and any person failingto comply with the direction shall be liable to prosecution.441. Limitation of compensation.— Save as provided in sections 418 and 432 no personshall be entitled to compensation for any damage sustained by reason of any action taken by themunicipal authorities in pursuance of their powers under this Chapter.CHAPTER XXLICENCES AND FEESGENERAL PROVISIONS AS TO LICENCES442. Exemption of Government from taking out licence.— Nothing in this Chaptershall be construed to require the State Government or the Central Government to take out alicence in respect of any place in the occupation or under the control of or any property belongingto such Government.

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