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Provided that nothing in this section shall apply to a person who transmits with properprecautions any article for the purpose of having it disinfected.499. Power of Municipality to prohibit use of water likely to spread infection.—Where the health officer or local medical officer certifies that the water in any well, tank or otherplaces within a municipal area, if used for drinking is likely to endanger or cause the spread of anydangerous disease, the Municipality may, by public notice, prohibit the removal or use of such water fordrinking and domestic purposes during a specified period mentioned in the notice.500. Secretary may order removal of patients to hospital.— Where a hospital orother place for the reception of persons suffering from dangerous diseases is provided by aMunicipality, the Secretary may, on a certificate signed by a qualified medical practitioner, arrangefor, or direct the removal to such hospital or place of any person suffering from a dangerousdisease who is, in the opinion of such practitioner, without proper lodging or accommodation, orwithout, medical supervision for prevention of the spread of the disease, or who is in a placeoccupied by more than one family.501. Prohibition of infected person carrying on occupation.— Where any personknows or has been certified by the health officer, the local medical officer, or a qualified medicalpractitioner that he is suffering from a dangerous disease, he shall not engage in any occupationor carry on any trade or business unless he can do so without risk of spreading the disease.502. Prohibition of diseased person entering public conveyance.— (1) No personwho is suffering from any dangerous disease shall, without taking proper precautions againstspreading such disease, cause or suffer himself to be conveyed in a public conveyance.(2) No person who is suffering from any dangerous disease shall enter a public conveyancewithout previously informing to the owner or driver or person in charge of such conveyancethat he is so suffering.(3) No owner, driver, or person in charge of a public conveyance shall knowingly carryor permit to be carried in such conveyance any person suffering from any dangerous diseasein contravention of sub-section (1).(4) No owner, driver or person in charge of a public conveyance shall be bound toconvey any person suffering from any dangerous disease unless and until the said personpays or tenders a sum sufficient to cover any loss and costs that may be incurred for disinfectingsuch conveyance.(5) A court convicting any person for contravening sub-section (1) or sub-section (2)may levy, in addition to the penalty for the offence provided in this Act an additional fine ofsuch amount as the court may deem sufficient to cover the loss and costs which the owner ordriver incurred for the purpose of disinfecting the conveyance and the amount of such additional fineimposed shall be awarded by the court to the owner or driver of the conveyance:Provided that if such additional fine is imposed in a case which is subject to appeal, the amountshall not be paid to the owner or driver before the period allowed for presenting the appeal haselapsed, or if an appeal is presented, before decision in the appeal.(6) At the time of awarding compensation in any subsequent civil suit relating to the samematter, the court shall take into account any sum which the plaintiff shall have received under thissection.503. Letting of infected buildings.— No person shall let or sub-let or for that purposeallow any person to enter a building or any part thereof in which he knows or has reason tobelieve that a person has been suffering from any dangerous disease until the health officer hasgranted a certificate that such a building may be reoccupied.

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