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10. Mayor or Chairman of a Municipality.— (1) There shall be a Chairman in everyTown Panchayat and Municipal Council and a Mayor in every Municipal Corporation who shallbe elected by the elected Councillors of the respective Municipalities from among themselves, insuch manner as may be prescribed. u [The Chairperson shall be a full-time functionary of theMunicipality.](2) Such number of the offices of Chairmen of Town Panchayats, Chairmen of MunicipalCouncils and Mayor of Municipal Corporations shall be reserved for the Scheduled Castes or,as the case may be, the Scheduled Tribes by the Government and the offices of the Chairmenof the Town Panchayats, Chairmen of the Municipal Councils and Mayor of the MunicipalCorporations so reserved may be allotted by rotation to different Town Panchayats, MunicipalCouncils or, as the case may be, the Municipal Corporations as the l3 [State Election Commission]may, by notification in the Gazette, determine for each general election.The total number of offices of Chairmen in the Town Panchayats, Chairmen in theMunicipal Councils or Mayor of the Municipal Corporations, as the case may be, to be reservedfor the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes under sub-section(2) shall bear as nearlyas may be, the same proportion to the total number of offices of Chairmen in the TownPanchayats, Chairmen of the Municipal Councils or Mayor of the Municipal Corporations, asthe case may be, as the population of the Scheduled Casts or as the case may be, the Scheduled Tribes, inthe Municipalities in the Slate bear to the total population of the Municipalities.(4) Not less than one-third of the offices of the Chairpersons in the Town Panchayats,Municipal Councils and Municipal Corporations reserved under sub-section (2), shall be I6 fsetapart by Government for women belonging to Scheduled Castes, or as the case may be,Scheduled Tribes and for each general election the seats so reserved shall be allotted by theState Election Commission, by notifications in the Gazette, to different Town Panchayats orMunicipal Councils or Municipal Corporations, as the case may be, by rotation]:Provided that where the number of offices of Chairpersons reserved for the ScheduledCastes or as the case may be, the Scheduled Tribes under sub-section (2) is one, that seat neednot be reserved for women belonging to the Scheduled Castes or as the case may be, theScheduled Tribes.(5) Not less than one-third of the total number of offices of the Chairpersons in theTown Panchayats, Municipal Councils and Municipal Corporations, I7r shall be reserved forwomen by the Government and the seats so reserved I8 fshall be allotted] by the State ElectionCommission] *[including those reserved under sub-section (4)], by rotation to different TownPanchayats, Municipal Councils and Municipal Corporations, as the case may be.(6) Procedure of rotation under sub-section(2) and sub-section(5) shall begin from theMunicipality having the highest percentage of population of the Scheduled Castes or ScheduledTribes or women as the case may be, and thereafter to the Municipality having the nexthigher percentage of population and shall be so continued in like manner:Provided that if the Municipality, the office of Chairperson of which is eligible forreservation for women is the same as the Municipality the office of Chairperson of which is to bereserved for the Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes, then, in reserving the office ofChairperson priority shall be given to persons belonging to the Scheduled Castes or as the casemay be, the Scheduled Tribes and in lieu, the office of the Chairperson of the Municipality, having thenext higher percentage of women population in turn shall be reserved for women.14. Added by Act 14 of 1999, with effect from 1-10-2000.15. Substituted for the words "Government or an officer authorised by them" by Act 14 of 1999.w.e.f. 24-3-1999.

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