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contents thereof, or of the stench therefrom, or intentionally or negligently spill any filth in the removal thereof,or omit carefully to sweep and clean every place in which any such filth has been spilled, or place or set down inany public place any filth whether in a vessel, closed or open.340. Prohibition of throwing rubbish or filth into public places.—2A [(1)] No personshall put or cause to be put any rubbish or filth or debris into any public place not intended fordeposit of rubbish or filth or debris.2A [(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, the Secretary or an Officer specificallyauthorised for the purpose shall, on being satisfied that any person deposits or causes to deposit any rubbish,or filth or other debris in any public place not intended for the same, impose on the person so depositing orcausing such deposit, a fine, on the spot, which may not exceed two hundred and fifty rupees and the fine soimposed shall be paid to the municipal fund within fifteen days and the Secretary shall initiate prosecutionagainst the person if he fails to do so]341. Prohibition of commission nuisance in public streets etc.— No person shallcommit a nuisance by relieving himself in any street, public place or thoroughfare or permit anyperson under his control to do so.342. Presumption as to offender.— Where any rubbish, offensive matter, trade refuse,special waste, hazardous waste or excrementitious and polluted matter accumulation on anypremises is deposited in any place in contravention of the provisions of this Act, it shall bepresumed , unless the contrary is proved , that such contravention has been committed by theoccupier of such premises.343. The employees of the Municipality engaged in rubbish and solid wastemanagement service prohibited from depositing waste at a place other than specifiedetc.— No employee of the Municipality engaged in rubbish and solid waste management serviceshall throw or place any domestic waste, dust, ashes, refuse, rubbish or trade refuse or anyexcrementitious or polluted matter on any street or in any place not provided for the purpose orplace or keep in any street any vehicle or carriage for the removal of solid waste, excrementitiousor polluted matter, or suffer the same to remain in any street for any greater length of time thanis reasonably necessary.344. Power to inspect premises for sanitary purposes.— The Secretary or anyofficer authorised by him may, at any time , inspect any premises for the purpose of ascertainingcompliance with the provisions of this Act.345. Punishment for depositing or throwing any rubbish or solid waste incontravention of the provisions of this Act.— Whosoever deposits or throws any rubbish,solid waste, filth or carcasses in contravention of the provisions in this Chapter shall on convictionbe punishable with fine which shall not be less than fifty rupees but may extend to two hundredand fifty rupees.CHAPTERXVIISTREETSPUBLIC STREETS346. Maintenance and repair of streets.— (1) A Municipality shall, at the cost of themunicipal fund, cause the public streets and bridges vested in and under the control ofthat Municipality to be maintained and repaired and may, from the same fund; meet the costof all improvements to the same which are necessary or expedient for the public safety orconvenience.

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