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34. Obligation of the Standing Committee etc., to carry out Council's resolutions. —EveryStanding Committee, other committees and the Secretary shall be bound to give effect to everyresolution of the Council unless such resolution is suspended or cancelled,35. Appointment of Committees.— (1) The Council may, subject to the provisions ofthe Act, constitute Committees for the purpose of exercising such powers, discharging suchduties or performing such functions, as it may delegate to them, and may appoint any Councilloror Committee to enquire into and report or advise on any matter referred to him or it.(2) The Council may specially invite as members of any Committee, persons who are notCouncillors but who may, in the opinion of such council, possess special qualifications for serving insuch Committee:Provided the number of persons so invited shall not, in any case, exceed one-third of the totalnumber of the members of that Committee.36. Rules and Regulations for proceedings of the Council, the Standing Committeesand other Committees.— (1) The proceedings of the Council, the Standing Committees andother Committees of a Municipality shall be governed by such rules, as may be prescribed, andsuch regulations, as may be made by such Council in accordance with the model Regulationsprovided by the Government.(2) The rules and regulations made under sub-section (1) may contain the following matters,namely:-(a) the time and place of meetings;(b) the manner in which notice of meetings shall be given;(c) the preservation of order and the conduct of proceedings at meetings and enforcingdecisions on points of order and taking decisions on disputes and the powers, the Chairpersonor Chairman, as the case may be, may exercise;(d) the division of duties among the members of the Council;(e) the constitution and procedure of Committees;(f) fixing the quorum of the Council and Committees;(g) the delegation of powers, duties or functions to the Chairperson, Chairman, Councillor,or an officer or an employee of the Municipality or to a Committee or to its Chairman or toany of its members; and(h) any other matter as may be necessary for regulating the proceedings.(3) Every matter coming before the council for decision shall be decided by the majority of votesof the elected Councillors present and in all cases of an equality of votes, the person presiding over themeeting shall have a casting vote, unless otherwise provided in this Act.5I [(4) Every Councillor present at the meeting, if voted against any resolution passed by theCouncil, shall have the right to present to the Secretary a dissenting note regarding such resolution,within forty-eight hours of the conclusion of the meeting.(5) A copy of the minutes of every meeting of the Municipality and copy of the dissenting note, ifany, received under sub-section (4) shall be forwarded by the Secretary within ten days after the date ofthe meeting, to the Government or to the officer authorised by the Governmentin this behalf.]49. Substituted for the word by Act 14 of 1999, w.e.f. 24-3-1999.

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