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(2) The licence under sub-section f 1 ) may be granted on such conditions as the Secretary maydeem necessary which may extend to the construction, ventilation, conservancy, supervision andinspection of the premises, within the municipal area where the animals from which the milk supply isderived are kept or for reasons to be recorded in writing be refused.MARKETS, BUTCHERS, FISHMONGERS AND HAWKERS457. Public market. — All markets which are acquired, constructed, repaired or maintained out of themunicipal fund shall be deemed to be public markets and such markets shall be open to all members ofthe public.458. Powers in respect of public markets. — (1) A Municipality may provide places for useas public markets.(2) The Municipality may, in any public market, levy any one or more of the followingfees at such rates and may place the collection of such fees under the management of suchpersons as may appear to it proper or may farm out collection of such fees for any period notexceeding three years at a time and on such terms and subject to such conditions as it maydeem fit-load;](a) fees for the use of or for the right to expose goods for sale in such markets, (b) feesfor the use of shops, stalls, pans or sands in such markets,36 [(c) fees on goods for sale brought to such markets on vehicles or pack animals or by head(d) fees on animals brought for sale into or sold in such markets, and(e) licence fees on brokers, commission agents, weighmen and measures practisingtheir calling in such markets.(3) The Municipality may, with the sanction of the Government close any public marketor part thereof.459. Control of Secretary over public markets.— (1) No person shall, without thepermission of the Secretary or, if the collection of fees have been farmed out, of the farmer, sellor expose for sale any animal or article within any public market.(2) The Secretary may expel from any public market any person who or whose servant has beenconvicted for disobeying any bye-law, for the time being in force in such market and may prevent suchperson from further carrying on by himself or his servants or agents any trade or business in suchmarket or occupying any shop, stall, or other place therein and may determine any lease or tenurewhich such person may posses in any such shop, stall or place.460. Licence for private markets.— (1) No person shall open a new private market orcontinue to keep open a private market except on a licence from the Municipality.(2) Application for a licence under sub-section (1) shall be made by the owner of theplace in respect of which the licence is sought to be renewed, not less than six weeks beforethe expiry of the period for which the licence has been granted and in the case of a newmarket, six weeks before the date on which the market is proposed to be opened.36. Clause (c) substituted by Act 14 of 1999, w.e.f. 24-3-1999.

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