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443. Conditions precedent to grant or renewal of licence.— Notwithstanding anythingcontained in this Act or any other law, the Secretary may refuse to grant or renew a licence under theprovisions of this Act or any other law which authorizes him to issue a licence, if the person applying forthe licence has made default in the payment of any taxes or fees payable by him to the Municipality,provided the Secretary may, if he deems fit, grant or renew the licence for a period not exceeding twomonths on satisfactory guarantee for the payment within the said period.KEEPING OK ANIMALS444. Licences for places in which animals are kept.— (1) The owner or occupier ofany stable, veterinary, infirmaty, stand, shed, yard or other place in which quadrupeds are kept ortaken in for purposes of profit, shall, in the first month of every year, or in the case of a place tobe newly opened, within one month before the opening of such place, apply to the Secretary fora licence for the use of the same for any such purpose of profit.(2) The Secretary may, by order an subject to such restrictions and regulations as hethinks fit, grant or refuse to grant such licence.(3) No person shall without or otherwise than in conformity with a licence, use placefor such a purpose.445. General powers of control over stables, cattle sheds and cow houses.— ( 1 )All stables, cattle sheds and cow houses shall be under the survey and control of the Secretary as regardstheir site, construction, materials and dimensions.(2) The Secretary may, by notice, require that any stable, cattle shed or cow-house bealtered, paved, drained, repaired, disinfected or kept in such a state as to admit of its beingsufficiently cleaned or be supplied with water, or be connected with a sewer or be demolished.(3) Every notice under sub-section (2) shall be addressed to the owner of the buildingor land to which the stable, cattle shed or cow house is located.(4) The expense of executing any work in pursuance of any such notice shall be borneby the said owner.446. Power to direct discontinuance of use of building as stable, cattle shed orcow house.— Where any stable, cattle shed or cow house is not constructed or maintained inthe manner required by or under this Act, the Secretary may, by notice, for reasons to be recordedtherein direct that the same shall no longer be used as a stable, cattle shed or cow house.INDUSTRIES, F<strong>ACT</strong>ORIES AND O<strong>THE</strong>R TRADES447. Purpose for which places may not be used without licence.— (1) A Municipalitymay notify by publication in the Gazette or in any other manner as may be prescribed that noplace within the Municipal area shall be used for any one or more of the purposes specified 24 [inthe rules made in this behalf) or for any other trade without licence and except in accordancewith the conditions specified therein and where the licence is for running hostels, restaurants,eating houses, coffee houses, Abkari shop, laundries, travel agency or barber saloons, the licenceshall always contain and be deemed to contain a condition that admission or service therein shallbe available to any member of the public:Provided that no notification under this sub-section shall take effect before the expiry of sixtydays from the date of its publication.(2) The owner or occupier of every such place shall within thirty days of the publication of thenotification apply to the Secretary for a licence for the use of such place for such purpose.25 [(3) The Council shall, within thirty days from the date of receipt of the application, by orderand subject to such terms and conditions as it deems fit, either grant a licence for the use of a place

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