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19 [Provided further that in Municipalities where the office of the Chairperson is to bereserved for women belonging to Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes and in Municipalities thehighest percentage of population is women, the office of the Chairperson shall be reserved forwomen belonging to Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes by rotation,](7) No person shall be eligible for being elected as Chairperson unless-(i)(ii)(iii)he is elected as Councillor;in the case of offices of Chairpersons reserved for the Scheduled Castes or the ScheduledTribes, he himself is a member of any of the Scheduled Castes or the Scheduled Tribes;in the case of office of Chairperson reserved for women, such person is a woman.20 [(8) The term of office of a Chairperson shall be co-terminus with that of his term as aCouncillor unless he resigns or becomes disqualified to hold the office of a Councillor.]11. Deputy Chairpersons of the Municipalities.— (1) There shall be a Vice-Chairman in everyTown Panchayat and Municipal Council and a Deputy Mayor in every Municipal Corporation who shallbe elected by the elected Councillors of the respective Municipalities from among themselves in suchmanner as may be prescribed.(2) A Deputy Chairperson shall be deemed to have vacated his office-CD on his ceasing to be a Councillor on the expiry of his term of office or otherwise; or(ii) on his election as Chairperson.(3) Where the office of a Chairperson is vacant, the Deputy Chairperson shall exercisethe powers and discharge the duties of the Chairperson until a newly elected Chairpersonassumes office.(4) (a) Where the office of a Chairperson is vacant and there is vacancy in the officeof Deputy Chairperson or the Deputy Chairperson has been continuously absent from jurisdictionfor more than fifteen days or is incapacitated, the Chairman of the Standing Committees inthe order referred to in sub-sectionCl) of section 20 shall, until a new Chairperson or DeputyChairperson is elected and assumes office, or the Deputy Chairperson returns to jurisdictionor recovers from his incapacity, as the case may be, shall exercise the powers and performthe functions of the Chairperson.(b) Where a Chairperson has been continuously absent from jurisdiction for morethan fifteen days or is incapacitated and there is vacancy in the office of the Deputy Chairpersonor the Deputy Chairperson has been continuously absent from jurisdiction for more thanfifteen days or is incapacitated and 2l [x x x x], the Chairmen of the Standing Committees inthe order referred in sub-section (1) of section 20 shall exercise the powers and perform thefunctions of the Chairperson until the Deputy Chairperson returns to jurisdiction or recoversfrom his incapacity, as the case may be.16. Substituted for the words "set apart for women belonging to the Scheduled Castes or, as the casemay be, the Scheduled Tribes" by Act 14 of 1999, w.e.f. 24-3-1999.17. Substituted for the words "as the case may be, shall be reserved for women and may beallotted by the Government" by Act 14 of 1999, w.e.f. 24-3-1999.18. Substituted for the words "may be allotted by the Government" by Act 14 of 1999, w.e.f.24-3-1999.* Inserted by Act 8 of 1995.19. Further proviso added by Act 14 of 1999, w.e.f. 24-3-1999.

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