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(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (1), the Government shall, inconsultation with the Municipality, provide any public street with a lighting system through anapproved agency.(4) Notwithstanding anything contained in this section, two or more Local Self Governmentinstitutions, may with the sanction of and on such terms as may be approved by the Government,provide and maintain any street lighting system jointly.]82 [316A. Provision for supply for electricity to the consumers.— Any Municipalitymay, with the prior sanction of the Government and, subject to other conditions as may be prescribed, enterinto a contract With Kerala State Electricity Board, for the bulk purchase of the electricity for the supply ofelectricity in its land area.]GENERAL POWERS317. Power to carry wire, pipes, drains etc., through private property.— TheSecretary may, for the purpose of implementation of any scheme for water supply or drainage entrusted to aMunicipality or for its maintenance or for the establishment or maintenance of any lighting of public streets carryany cable, wire, pipe, drain or channel of any kind through, across, under, or over any road, street or place laidout for road or street and after giving fifteen days notice in writing to the owner or occupier, through, across,under, over or up the side of, any land or building in the Municipality, and may place and maintain posts, polesstandards, brackets or other contrivances to support wires and lights on any pole or post in the Municipality notowned by the State or the Central Government and may do all acts necessary or expedient for repairing ormaintaining any such cable, wire, pipe ,drain, channel, post, pole, standard, bracket or other similar contrivancein an effective state for the purpose of which it is intended to be used or for removing the same:Provided that such work shall be done so as to cause the least practicable nuisance orinconvenience to any person:Provided further that the Secretary shall, with the sanction of the Council, pay compensation to any personwho sustains damage by the exercise of such power.318. Prohibition of making connection with mains without permission.—(1) No person shall, without the permission of the Secretary make any connection with anymunicipal cable, wire,pipe, 83 [any underground drain under the control of the Municipality] or with thehouse connection of any other person.(2) The Secretary may, by notice, require any connection made in contravention of sub-section(l) tobe demolished, removed, closed, altered or remade.84 [(3) Where any person fails to comply with the demand in the notice issued under sub-section (2)within the period specified in the notice, the Secretary shall have the power to demolish, remove, close, alteror, remake such connection and the cost incurred thereof shall be recovered from that person.]81. Section 316 substituted by Act 14 of 1999, w.e.f. 24-3-1999.82. Section 316A inserted by Act 14 of 1099, w.e.f. 24-3-1999.319. Power to require level of culverts, cable, etc., to be raised or lowered.—Where a Municipality conducts any pipe or drain or other work connected with the water supply or drainage ofthat Municipality across a culvert, cable or drain, it may, 85 [at the cost of the Municipal Fund], require theowners of the same to raise or lower the level thereof.PUBLIC LATRINES320. Provision of public latrines.— A Municipality shall provide and maintain in properand convenient places a sufficient number of public latrines and shall cause the same to be dailycleansed and kept in proper order.321. Licensing of public latrines.— (1) The Secretary may issue licence,period as fixed by the Council], for providing and maintaining latrines for public use.86 [for the

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