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(3) A member elected under sub-section (2) shall hold office for the remaining term ofoffice of the person in whose place he was elected.(4) Where a vacancy occurs in the office of Chairman 44 [of a Standing Committee forFinance], a member chosen by the members of that Committee from among themselves shallact as Chairman until a person to fill the vacancy is elected.45 [28. Power to resign.— (1) A member other than an ex-officio member of a StandingCommittee and the Chairman of a Standing Committee other than the Standing Committee for Financemay resign his Chairmanship or membership, as the case may be, of the Standing Committee bytendering resignation to the Secretary in the form prescribed and the resignation shall take effect from thedate of its receipt by the Secretary and the Secretary shall report the fact forthwith to the Chairpersonand the Council.(2) The person who resigns his membership or chairmanship of the Standing Committeemay, either tender his resignation directly or send through registered post if such resignationletter is attested by a gazetted officer, as the case may be, to the Secretary and the Secretaryshall acknowledge receipt of the same.(3) If a Standing Committee cannot function effectively due to the resignation of themajority of the members therefrom, or due to any other reason, the powers and functions of thatStanding Committee shall vest in the Steering Committee till its reconstitution]<strong>THE</strong> COUNCIL29. Administration of Municipality.— Subject to the provisions of this Act, theAdministration of the Municipality shall vest in the Council, and the Council shall, if necessary,be entitled to exercise, in the manner prescribed, the functions expressly assigned by or underthis Act or any other law to the Chairperson, the Secretary, a Standing Committee or any otherCommittee.30. Powers, functions and responsibilities of Municipality.—46 [(1) The administrationof a Municipal area in respect of the matters enumerated in the First Schedule shall, subject tothe provisions of this Act and such other provisions as may be prescribed in this behalf and theprovisions of other Acts and the rules made thereunder vest in the Municipality and it shall havethe power and responsibility to prepare and implement schemes for economic development andsocial justice in relation to the matters enumerated in the First Schedule:Provided that, it shall be the duty of the Municipality to render necessary service to the inhabitants of theMunicipal area in respect of the matters enumerated as mandatory functions in the First Schedule];(2) Municipality shall have such powers, authority and responsibilities of the Government47 [as prescribed], to enable it to function as an institution of self government in respect of thematters entrusted to it.(3) The Government shall, as soon as may be after the coming into force of this Act,transfer all institutions, schemes, buildings, other properties, assets and liabilities connectedwith the matters mentioned in the First Schedule, to the Municipalities concerned.(4) The Central and State Plan allocations, for the time being in force and the annualbudget allocation in respect of the subjects transferred to the Municipalities by the Governmentshall be wholly allotted to the respective Municipalities.44. Substituted for "of a Standing Committee for Taxation, Finance and Accounts" by Act 14 of 1999,w.e.f. 24-3-1999.45. Section 28 substituted by Act 14 of 1999, w.e.f. 24-3-1999.46. Sub-section (1) substituted by Act 14 of 1999, w.e.f. 24-3-1999.

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