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382. Building site and construction or reconstruction of buildings.— No piece ofland shall be used as a site for the construction of a building and no building shall be constructedor reconstructed otherwise than in accordance with the provisions of this part and of any rulesor bye-laws made under this act relating to the use of building sites or the construction orreconstruction of buildings.10 [ x x x x]10. The proviso omitted by Act 14 of 1999, w.e.f. 24-3-1999.383. Power of Municipality to regulate further construction of certain classes ofbuildings in particular streets or localities.— (1) A Municipality may give public notice ofits intention to declare-(a) that in any street or portions of streets specified in the notice,-(i)continuous building shall be allowed ;(ii) the elevation and construction of the frontage of all buildings thereafter constructed orreconstructed shall in respect of their architectural features, be such as the Municipality mayconsider suitable to the locality; or(b) that in any locality specified in the notice, the construction of only detached buildingsshall be allowed; or(c) that in any street, portion of streets or localities specified in the notice, the constructionof shops, warehouses, factories, huts or buildings of a specified architectural character ofbuildings destined for particular uses shall not be allowed without the special permission ofthe Municipality.(2) No objection to any such declaration shall be received after a period of three monthsfrom the publication of such notice.(3) The Municipality shall consider all objections received within the said period andmay modify or confirm the declaration and the modification shall not be so as to extend itseffect.(4) The Secietary shall publish the declaration which shall take effect from the date ofpublication.(5) No person shall,after the date of publication of the declaration under sub-section(4)construct or reconstruct any building in contravention of such declaration.11 [383A. Prohibition of constructions abutting the public roads.— Notwithstanding anythingcontained in this Act, no person shall construct any building or structure other than a compound wallin any land abutting any National Highway, State Highway, District Road or any other roads notified bythe Municipality within a distance of three metres from the road boundary of his land abutting theroad:11A [Provided that the said limit of three metres shall not be applicable for the construction, subject tothe Building Rules, of first floor or second floor or of both upon a building, existing on the date of cominginto force of this Act:Provided further that, any path, bridge or similar constructions used solely for entering into anybuilding or weather shade or sun shade forming part of the building may, subject to the BuildingRules, be constructed within the said three metre limit:

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