S - Kam Ng PhD Dissertation Final.pdf - Digital Repository of CCEE ...

S - Kam Ng PhD Dissertation Final.pdf - Digital Repository of CCEE ...

S - Kam Ng PhD Dissertation Final.pdf - Digital Repository of CCEE ...

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Percent201E(g) = expected value or mean <strong>of</strong> the limit state function g, andσ g = standard deviation <strong>of</strong> the limit state function g.In order to conform the independent relationship among the random variablesassumed in the FOSM method, the correlation between the RR for EOD (let R m-EOD /R e-EOD tobe E) and for setup (let R m-setup /R e-setup to be S) was assessed through the calculation <strong>of</strong> acorrelation coefficient (ρ) using Eq. (5.5)( )(5.5)where,cov (E,S) = covariance between the resistance ratio for EOD and setup, andσ E , σ S = standard deviation <strong>of</strong> the resistance ratio for EOD or setup.999590807060504030201051Resistance Ratio for setup0.51.0Lognormal Distribution - 95% CI0.5 1.02.0Resistance Ratio (RR)Resistance Ratio for EODFigure 5.1: Normality test using Anderson-Darling method for setup and EOD2.0Resistance Rati<strong>of</strong>or setupLoc -0.09821Scale 0.3109N 28AD 0.374P-Value 0.392Resistance Rati<strong>of</strong>or EODLoc 0.09520Scale 0.1532N 8AD 0.255P-Value 0.620Loc and Scalerepresent the meanand standarddeviation <strong>of</strong> naturallogarithm <strong>of</strong> thedatasets

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