S - Kam Ng PhD Dissertation Final.pdf - Digital Repository of CCEE ...

S - Kam Ng PhD Dissertation Final.pdf - Digital Repository of CCEE ...

S - Kam Ng PhD Dissertation Final.pdf - Digital Repository of CCEE ...

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294to 0.80, the maximum value recommended by AASHTO (2010). Overall, the constructioncontrol consideration has increased the originally-calibrated resistance factors <strong>of</strong> the IowaBlue Book method as follow:1. Construction control using WEAP has increased the original φ value <strong>of</strong> theIowa Blue Book from 0.60 to 0.64 or improved the φ value by 7%.2. Construction control using CAPWAP increases the original φ value <strong>of</strong> theIowa Blue Book for the clay pr<strong>of</strong>ile from 0.60 to 0.68 (or improved by 8%),considering both the EOD and setup resistance conditions.3. The construction control method using CAPWAP, based on the restrikecondition, improves the φ values for clay, mixed soil, and sand pr<strong>of</strong>iles by27%, 18%, and 6%, respectively.8.2.5. Dynamic soil parameters quantificationDue to the limitation with current default CAPWAP matching procedure, in whichconstant damping factor and quake value are assumed over an entire soil pr<strong>of</strong>ile and theindeterminate nature <strong>of</strong> the CAPWAP analysis, Chapter 7 shows the high degree <strong>of</strong> scatter inthe correlation studies between the dynamic soil parameters and the SPT N-value. Althoughthe accuracy <strong>of</strong> pile resistance estimation using dynamic analysis methods is highlydependent upon the appropriate input <strong>of</strong> these dynamic soil parameters, these parametershave not been successfully quantified from any standard geotechnical in-situ or laboratorysoil test results. Thus, an improved CAPWAP signal matching procedure with variation inshaft dynamic soil parameters was proposed. Its implementation led to the followingconclusions:1. The analytical results show the dynamic soil parameters are not constant over anentire soil pr<strong>of</strong>ile, but they vary with different soil types and soil properties.2. For cohesive soils at the EOD condition, the correlation studies revealed a directrelationship between the shaft damping factor and the SPT N-value, and aninverse relationship between the shaft quake value and the SPT N-value.Furthermore, correlation studies using CPT-measured soil properties concludedthat the shaft damping factor was influenced by different soil types, while no

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