Examiner's Manual & Technical Report - Kaplanco.com

Examiner's Manual & Technical Report - Kaplanco.com

Examiner's Manual & Technical Report - Kaplanco.com

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Gross Motor: Body MovementGross Motor: Object Movement34 items23 itemsAt the beginning of each domain, a sequential list of assessment items by developmental agerange is followed by a list of the materials needed to administer the domain. The actualassessment items begin on the page immediately following the materials list. The manual usesthe format illustrated in Figure 1 for every assessment item.Figure 1. Organization of LAP-D Assessment <strong>Manual</strong> PageCOGNITIVE: MATCHINGItem Behavior Developmental AgeCM1 Places circle and square in formboard after demonstration 18 monthsMATERIALS:Formboards (circle and square)PROCEDURE: Maximum trials: 1 task / 3 demonstrations / 3 trials Time limit per trial: 1 minuteSay: “Watch how I take these out of the holes and then put them back in the holes.”1. Place circle and square formboards in front of the child.2. Remove pieces from the formboards and place to the child’s left.3. Replace the pieces in the formboards, remove them again, and place them to the child’s left.Say: “Now, you put them back in the holes; you do it.” (Point to each piece and its appropriate hole.Start the timer.)Note: If child’s performance is not acceptable for credit (see scoring criteria), REPEAT the abovedemonstration and instruction for a second and third trial, if needed.SCORING:Score (+) for CM1 if child places both circle and square in correct formboard within 3 trials (1 minutemaximum per trial).Each page of the LAP-D Assessment <strong>Manual</strong> contains the following information:Developmental Domain/ The developmental domain and subscale are indicated in the upperSubscaleleft hand corner of the assessment manual (e.g., Cognitive: Matching).Item/Behavior/Developmental AgeMaterialsProceduresScoringThe number of the item is listed in the shaded box under the developmental domainand subscale title in the upper left hand corner followed by a description of the behaviorand the developmental age range.All materials needed to administer the item are listed next. Except for a few large items,all assessment materials are contained within a bag that is labeled and color-coded bysubscale.The specific procedures for administering each item are located below the list ofmaterials. Where applicable, the maximum number of tasks, trials, and time limits are alllisted on the first line of the procedures. Spoken words or phases are in bold and shouldbe stated exactly as written in the manual. All procedures must be followed exactly aswritten to ensure the integrity of the assessment.The criteria for scoring the item are listed under the procedures.12

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