Examiner's Manual & Technical Report - Kaplanco.com

Examiner's Manual & Technical Report - Kaplanco.com

Examiner's Manual & Technical Report - Kaplanco.com

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Table B-8. Percentile Ranks for LAP-D Domains for Children 30-35 MonthsRAWSCOREFINE MOTOR COGNITIVE LANGUAGE GROSS MOTOR%ileRANKRAWSCORE%ileRANKRAWSCORE%ileRANKRAWSCORE34-59 98 24-57 98 30-53 98 37-57 9833 97 23 97 29 97 36 9731 – 32 96 22 95 26 - 28 94 35 9629 –30 95 21 93 25 90 34 9428 94 20 88 24 87 32 - 33 9326 –27 91 19 80 23 84 31 9225 87 18 73 22 81 30 9124 82 17 67 21 78 29 9023 74 16 60 20 72 28 8822 65 15 51 19 66 26 - 27 8521 58 14 43 18 62 25 8020 51 13 36 17 57 24 7619 44 12 27 16 55 23 6818 39 11 20 15 50 22 5817 35 10 15 14 43 21 5016 30 9 13 13 36 20 4315 25 8 9 12 28 19 3214 19 7 6 11 24 18 2113 12 6 4 10 23 17 1412 7 5 3 9 18 16 711 4 0-4 c 1 8 10 15 50-10 c 1 7 6 14 36 5 13 25 3 0-12 c 10-4 c 1%ileRANKc Note that the range of raw scores that yields a percentile rank of 1% includes the scores ofchildren from the norm sampling who actually ranked at and below 1%.REVISED OCTOBER 2006

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