Examiner's Manual & Technical Report - Kaplanco.com

Examiner's Manual & Technical Report - Kaplanco.com

Examiner's Manual & Technical Report - Kaplanco.com

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Letter-Word Identification, Applied Problems, and Dictations tests on the English version of theWJ-R were used in this study. The Batería-R has very good reliability, with internal consistencycoefficients ranging from the mid .80s to the high .90s.Parent QuestionnaireA parent questionnaire was distributed with the permission letters. The parent questionnairecontained basic demographic information required for participation in the study (e.g., child birthdate, gender, ethnicity), and other child background information (e.g., primary language, familyin<strong>com</strong>e, parents’ education).ProceduresA team of thirty professionals (six recruitment coordinators and 24 additional data collectors),trained and supervised by the project co-directors, recruited participants and collected the data.Each examiner had a college degree in education, developmental psychology, or another relatedfield. The examiners participated in a two-and-a-half day training session on the data collectionprocedures and administration procedures for the LAP-D, Dial-3, PPVT-III /TVIP, and WJ-R/Batería-R in the winter of 2002.A total of 2099 children participated in the study from four geographic regions across the UnitedStates. Children were recruited through contact with child care centers, Head Start, publicschools, private schools, and individual families within each of the four regions. An effort wasmade to include settings representing children from a range of socioeconomic groups. Eachprogram administrator (center director or principal), teacher, or parent in the case of homesettings, was contacted in person or by phone and recruited to participate in the study. Copies ofthe LAP-D Scoring Booklet and letters describing the study and requesting consent to participatewere shared and discussed during a subsequent meeting. In the case of child care, Head Start,and public school programs, program administrators or teachers were asked to distribute andcollect permission forms for parents interested in participating in the study. After the childrenwere recruited, each examiner was responsible for scheduling assessment visits with theappropriate individual, <strong>com</strong>pleting the assessments, and submitting <strong>com</strong>pleted protocols to theproject co-directors.When the data collection was <strong>com</strong>pleted, the individual item scores were entered into a database.Once all data had been entered, two people independently verified each item against the originalprotocol, and all errors were reconciled and corrected in the database. An analysis data set basedon the final database was programmed in SAS 8.0. Statistical analyses were generated in SAS8.0 for each <strong>com</strong>ponent of the study.Of the 2022 children in the core sample, 1960 children (93.4%) of the core sample wereadministered both the LAP-D and the PPVT-III/TVIP, either during the same testing session or intwo sessions in close proximity. In addition, 197 children (9.7%; n=85 for the English sampleand n=112 for the Spanish sample) were administered both the LAP-D and the Dial-3 and an51

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