Examiner's Manual & Technical Report - Kaplanco.com

Examiner's Manual & Technical Report - Kaplanco.com

Examiner's Manual & Technical Report - Kaplanco.com

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sampling procedure was used based on language, geographic region, age, race, gender, and typeof setting as described below.Geographic Distribution of Project SitesFour geographic areas were selected to represent the geographic regions of the United States:Northeast (Boston, Massachusetts), South (Orange and Wake Counties, North Carolina andMiami-Dade County, Florida), Central (Faribault Area, Minnesota), and Southwest (SanAntonio, Laredo, and Austin Areas, Texas). The site in the Northeast represented approximately5% of the sample (n = 91), while the remainder of the sample was fairly evenly distributedamong the other three geographic areas (South, 32.5%; Central, 32.0%; Southwest, 30.6%). Thedistribution of the sample by language and geographic region is illustrated in Table 2.Table 2. Distribution of Project Sample by Geographic Area and Language (N=2099)GeographicAreaEnglish Sample Spanish Sample Project Samplen % n % n %Northeast 0091 04.3 013 00.6 0104 004.9South 0330 15.7 352 16.8 0682 032.5Central 0354 16.9 317 15.1 0671 032.0Southwest 0349 16.6 293 14.0 0642 030.6Total 1124 53.5 975 46.5 2099 100.0Participant CharacteristicsAge and GenderChildren were recruited from the following seven age categories: 30-35 months, 36-41 months,42-47 months, 48-53 months, 54-59 months, 60-65 months, and 66-72 months. Table 3 showsthe distribution of the project sample by age for each language group and the total projectsample.Table 3. Mean Age (in months) and Standard Deviations by Age Category and Language for the ProjectSample (N=2099)English Sample Spanish Sample Total Project SampleAgeCategory n M SD n M SD N M SD30-35 months 100 33.1 001.6 78 32.3 01.7 178 32.7 01.736-41 months 124 38.7 001.7 92 38.9 01.7 216 38.8 01.742-47 months 180 44.9 001.7 124 44.8 01.6 304 44.8 01.748-53 months 181 50.6 001.9 200 50.6 01.7 381 50.6 1.854-59 months 217 56.7 001.6 184 56.6 01.7 401 56.6 01.745

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