Examiner's Manual & Technical Report - Kaplanco.com

Examiner's Manual & Technical Report - Kaplanco.com

Examiner's Manual & Technical Report - Kaplanco.com

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correlations would suggest that they are measuring different underlying constructs. Domains orsubscales that are more strongly related conceptually and that have more items in <strong>com</strong>monwould be expected to have relatively stronger intercorrelations. Zero-order correlations usingPearson's r were calculated between raw scores for each domain for the core sample (n=2022),as shown below the diagonal in Tables 18a and 19a for each language group, and for eachsubscale for the core sample, as shown below the diagonal in Tables 18b and 19b.As seen in Table 18a, the generally high positive correlations at both the domain and subscalelevels for the English-speaking sample potentially indicate a single underlying construct.However, because these zero order correlations were calculated across age groups, they alsoindicate differences in skill performance as a result of age. To separate these two elements,partial correlations controlling for age were calculated between subscale and domain raw scores,as depicted above the diagonal in Tables 18a and 18b. The magnitudes of the partial correlationcoefficients are substantially smaller than the zero-order correlations, in the modest to moderaterange for all but a few of subscales which are highly conceptually related. These results suggestthat, while the different subscales and domains of the LAP-D are somewhat related, they are alsomeasuring somewhat independent aspects of development.Table 18a. Zero-order Correlations (below diagonal) and Partial Correlations (above diagonal) Controllingfor Age Among LAP-D Domains for English-Speaking Children in the Core Sample (n=1075)FINE MOTOR COGNITIVE LANGUAGE GROSS MOTORFINE MOTOR .58 .47 .35COGNITIVE .83 .66 .28LANGUAGE .83 .88 .27GROSS MOTOR .84 .81 .77Note: For all correlations, p

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