Handbook of Forensic Services (pdf) - FBI

Handbook of Forensic Services (pdf) - FBI

Handbook of Forensic Services (pdf) - FBI


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SAFETY<br />

<strong>Handbook</strong> <strong>of</strong> Forens c Serv ces 2007<br />

Crime Scene Safety<br />

Personnel have the ult mate respons b l ty to<br />

recogn ze chem cal, b olog cal, and phys cal<br />

hazards when process ng a cr me scene.<br />

However, t s the respons b l ty <strong>of</strong> each agency<br />

respond ng to and prov d ng support at the cr me<br />

scene to develop pol c es, programs, and tra n ng<br />

on health and safety pract ces.<br />

Always consult local, state, and federal<br />

env ronmental and occupat onal health and safety<br />

laws when work ng w th forens c ev dence. All<br />

sh pp ng <strong>of</strong> forens c ev dence must comply w th<br />

U.S. Department <strong>of</strong> Transportat on and<br />

Internat onal A r Transport Assoc at on regulat ons.<br />

Th s sect on descr bes the hazards, safety<br />

precaut ons, safe work pract ces, and personal<br />

protect ve equ pment recommended for personnel<br />

process ng rout ne cr me scenes. Th s sect on also<br />

expla ns the mportance <strong>of</strong> comply ng w th wasted<br />

sposal regulat ons.<br />

Routes <strong>of</strong> Exposure<br />

Personnel operat ng n or around contam nated<br />

env ronments must be aware <strong>of</strong> the var ous ways<br />

n wh ch hazards may enter and harm the body. 1<br />


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