Full-text - Norsk entomologisk forening

Full-text - Norsk entomologisk forening

Full-text - Norsk entomologisk forening

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ker 1 ~ 27 June 1873 (ZMO 11293). Probablymaterial published by Siebke (1877) as B.johannis (L.).New records of B. nigriventrisAK, Frogn: Hli0ya. Malaisetrap A 5 ~~ ,Malaisetrap B 1 ~ 2 ~~ . B0, Hurum:Holmsbu 1 ~, Tofte 52 ~~ 27 ~~. BV, Hol:Geilo 1 ~ . YE, Tj0me: Kjrere 1 ~ ,Mostranda2 ~~ 4 ~~. AAY, Arendal: HasseUsen 4 ~~. VAY, Flekkefjord: Hidra, Drag0Y 1 ~ ;S0gne: S0gne Folkeh0gskole 1 ~ . RY, KArst0:Storavann 1 ~,Arvik 1 ~. HOY, Bergen:Bergen I ~ 1 ~ , Sandviken 1 ~ 2 ~~, Hellenesset1 ~ 1 ~ , (Asane) Vollane 1 ~ 2 ~~,(Asane) Golfbanen 1 ~ 4 ~~ ,(Fana) Stavollen1 ~ , (Fana) Stend 2 ~O' 3 ~~ , (Fana)Flesland 1 ~ ; Samnanger: Adland 1 ~ ; Os:R0ykenesvann 1 ~ 2 ~~; Sund: Srele 2 ~~ 2~~ ; Ask0Y: Hestetreet 3 ~~ 1 ~ ; Oster0Y:Herland 2 ~~, SkaftA 3 ~~ 2 ~~; 0ygarden:BlomvAg 1 ~ I ~ . HOI, Etne: Austrheim 10~~ , Brenneland 1 ~ ; Kvinnherad: Berget I~, Guddalsdal 2 ~~ , Rosendal, Baroniet 2~ ~ 1 ~ , Rosendal, near church, I ~ ,Skeie 1~ , Skeiehavn 1 ~ , Uskedall ~, Varalds0Y,Djuvsland, Knarrevikshei 1 ~ ; Ullensvang:Dj0nno 1 ~ , Ring0Y 1 ~ ; Eidsfjord: Hj01­modalen 1 ~ , 0vre Eidfjord I ~ 1 ~ ; Ulvik:Granvin 1 ~ 2 ~~ ,Granvin, Seim 3 ~~ I ~ ;Voss: 4 km east of Mj0lfjell 5 ~~ 15 ~~ ;Kvam: Bjerke 3 ~~ 1 ~, T0rrviksbygd, Bergsliane1 ~ . SFY, Gulen: Brekke 1 ~ , IndreTakle 1 ~ . SFI, Lrerdal: Eggum I ~ ,Kvamme 1 ~ . STI, Trondheim: Lade 1 ~ ;Oppdal: Kongsvoll 1 ~ 5 ~~ , Kongsvoll,Raubekken 1 ~ (The Museum, Univ. Trondheim);Klrebu: MAlsj0en 1 ~ (The MuseumUniv. Trondheim): NTI, Steinkjer: Steinkjer1 ~ . NSY, Bod0: Bod0 I ~ 1 ~ , Falkflaugvann3 ~~ 1 ~ ,Falkflaug, upper Falkflaug 8~~ 3 ~~ (two partly damaged Bibio malesprobably also belong here), Urskar, Kronli 3~~ 1 ~,Urskar, Skuti 4 ~~, Valnes, Sjagand5 ~~ 6 ~~ ; GildeskAI: Oterstranda 9 ~~ 6~~ . NSI, Hemnes: Sklirelvdal 2 ~~ (RanaMuseum 2350); Rana: Kvandalen VP 43572~~ (Rana Museum 2983), Kvandalen VP4356 I ~ (Rana Museum 2980), KvandalenVP 4257 2 ~~ (Rana Museum 2969, 2857),Straumbygd 1 ~ (Rana Museum 2983); Beiam:KvAI 1 ~ 1 ~ , Solh0Y 1 ~ ; Saltdal:Rognan 4 ~~ 1 ~ . NN0, Hamar0Y: Fjelltunat Krakmo 1 ~ . TRY, Troms0: Troms0ya 1~ ; Kvrefjord: Borkenes 1 ~ ,Straumsbotn 2~~ 2 ~~. TRI, Bardu: Setermoen 2 ~~ 1 ~.DISCUSSIONThe distribution ofB. nigriventris in Norwayis shown in Fig. 1, and plotted in EIS squares.B. nigriventris is commonly distributed in thelowlands north to Troms province. Pecina(1965) reported B. nigriventris from alpineareas in Middle-Europe, but did not statehow high up into the mountains the specimenswere collected. In Norwegian mountainsB. nigriventris is however, not recordedin the alpine zone (above the tree line), and itis not common in subalpine areas either. Thelocality having the highest elevation is Raubekken,Kongsvoll, South-Tr0ndelag provincewhere one female was taken in a Malaise-trapat 900 m a.s.l. Solem (1985) describedthis site as sub-alpine zone with birchforest. The surroundings of Kongsvoll in theDovrefjell mountains, South Norway, hasthrough several years been surveyed throughoutthe month June to Octover, and a numberof Malaise-traps were used in the middle-,low- and the subalpine zones, but only thisone female was collected. The Bibionidaefauna ofthe Dovrefjell mountains were describedby Greve et al. (1984). Neither was B.nigriventris represented in the IBP collectionsfrom the middle and low alpine zones atHardangervidda.Similar sites to the one in the subalpinezone where B. nigriventris was collected atKongsvoll are one at Geilo at approximately700 m a.s.l., and another at Mj0lfjell at 670 ma.s.l. where B. nigriventris was collected inMalaise-traps during the summers 1985 and1986. These data indicate that B. nigriventrisoccurs in the subalpine zone, but is scarcehere. Other sites where B. nigriventris hasbeen collected are mostly far below theselevels.Pecina (1965) described B. nigriventris asan eurytopical and forest species. This descriptionfits well with the data from Norway,where most specimens have been collected inthe vicinity of or in decidious or mixed forests.Since sweep nets are not the best collectingmethod in forest habitats this maypartly explain why a common species like B.nigriven'ris is scarce in older collections. TheNorwegian material shows that outside forests,B. nigriventris may occur in herbage,gardens, and sometimes in meadows. Pecina(1965) also mentioned habitats similar tothese, and remarks also that in contrast toother Bibio species which swarm in greatnumbers, B. nigriventris often occur in low33

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