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Full-text - Norsk entomologisk forening

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gous (e.g. Jacot-Guillarmod 1975, Mound etal. 1976, Schliephake & Klint 1979), andMorison (1929) reports records from 102 nativeplants species in Great Britain.Megathrips lativentris (Heeger, 1852)At Dovrefjell recorded from litter in the birchforest (coll. ad. + larvae, N > 10). Also nearTrondheim the species has been recorded in asimilar habitat (Olsen & Solem 1982), andaccording to Mound et al. (1976) it feeds onfungus spores. Previously recorded from litterunder Salix, Corylus, Betula, Fagus, andQuercus, in addition to records from theplant species Acer campestre L., U. europaeus,grass, and Erica arborea L. (Priesner1926-28, 1964, Mound et al. 1976, Jacot­Guillarmod 1978). Also recorded from nestsof birds and rodents (Schliephake & Klint1979).Haplothrips niger (Osborn, 1883)Only recorded from the mixed vegetationalong the Driva river in the Dovrefjell mountains,in which locality numerous specimenswere collected from T. pratense along theroadside (colI. ad. + larvae, N > 130). Above900 m a.s.l. no records of the species weremade, although T. pratense is commonly foundup to about the tree border. Also nearTrondheim T. pratense apparently is themain host.of the species, although single individualshave been found on other plants(Olsen & Solem 1982). Accordantly, Priesner(1964) states T. pratense as the mainhost of the species, although he reports recordsfrom other Trifolium species, in additionto records from other plants, viz. A nthyllis,Astragalus, Coronilla, Cytisus, Robinia,Lotus and Medicago.Haplothrips propinguusBagnall, 1933Within the sampling areas in the Dovrefjellmountains, numerous specimens were collectedfrom A. millefolium in the mixed vegetationalong Driva (coll. ad. + larvae, N >1400). However, as was the situation for H.niger, the species was not recorded aboveabout 900 m a.s.l. A. millefolium is reportedto be the main host of the species by bothMound et al. (1976) and Schliephake & Klint(1979), and also near Trondheim this is apparentlythe situation. However, single specimensare, in addition, recorded from otherplants, viz. M. inodora and C. latifolia (Olsen& Solem 1982).ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSI am greatly indebted to Dr. J.O. Solem(Trondheim, Norway), for valuable practicalhelp and professional guiding during the presentstudy. I also wish to thank Dr., L. A.Mound (England) and Dr. R. zur Strassen(BRD), who have checked my determinationson thrips species and corrected some ofthem. Simen Bretten and his wife Eli offeredme practical help and suitable working andliving conditions during the field work in theDovrefjell mountains, and this is highly appreciated.Finally I will thank I. Harder, whohas made the typing.REFERENCESAhlberg, O. 1926. Tripsar. Thysanoptera. Svenskinsektfauna 6, 1-62.Gjrerevoll, O. 1975. Vegetasjon og flora. Pp. 41­70 in Dovrefjell og Ormtjernkampen. LutherForlag.Jacot-Guillarmod, C.F. 1970. Catalogue of theThysanoptera of the world (Pt. 1). Ann. Cape.Prov. Mus. (Nat. Hist.) 7, 1-216.Jacot-Guillarmod, C.F. 1971. Catalogue of theThysanoptera of the world (Pt. 2). Ann. Cape.Prov. Mus. (Nat. Hist.) 7, 217-515.Jacot-Guillarmod, C.F. 1974. Catalogue of theThysanoptera of the world (Pt. 3). Ann. Cape.Prov. Mus. (Nat. Hist.) 7, 517-976.Jacot-Guillarmod, C.F. 1975. Catalogue of theThysanoptera of the world (Pt. 4). Ann. Cape.Prov. Mus. (Nat.'Hist.) 7, 977-1255.Jacot-Guillarmod, C.F. 1978. Catalogue of theThysanoptera of the world (Pt. 5). Ann. Cape.Prov. Mus. (Nat. Hist.) 7, 1257-1556.J ohnson, C.G. 1950. A suction trap for small airborneinsects which automatically segregatesthe catch into successive hourly samples. Ann.appl. Bioi. 37, 80-91.Kjellsen, E. 1975. Dynamics of Thysanoptera populationson Hardangervidda. Ecological studies17. Fennoscandian Tundra Ecosystemspart 2, 80-83.Lid. J. 1974. <strong>Norsk</strong> og svensk flora. Det norskesamlaget, Oslo.Macfadyen, A. 1955. A comparison of methodsfor extracting soil arthropods. Pp. 315-332 inKevan, D.K. McE. (Ed.) Soil Zoology. Universityof Nottingham School of Agriculture.Morison, G.D. 1929. Observations and recordsfor some Thysanoptera from Great Britain. 5.Physothrips spp. Ent. mono mag. 65, 22-28.90

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