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Full-text - Norsk entomologisk forening

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--_..- ---~---'Aug. 1977, a male Apatania stigmatella, whichdiffered from the normal A. stigmatella males, wasfound. This odd specimen was also normal looking,except for the genitalia. Here, the clasperswere missing (Fig. I). The claspers are quite conspicuousin A. stigmatella males, but in this specimen,they had never developed. At the first sightthe specimen looked as a new species, but morethorough examination revealed that the remainingparts of the genitalia agreed with those ofa normalA. stigmatella male. I have seen several hundredsof males from this area, and this was the onlyanomalous A. stigmatella found. Normal lookingmales of A. stigmatella are figured in e.g. Malicky(1983) and Tobias & Tobias (1981).ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSI am indebted to J.O. Solem for loan of alcoholpreserved material from the Zoological Museumof Trondheim.REFERENCESSchmiedeknecht, O. 1930. Die HymenopterenNord- und Mitteleuropas. Verlag Gustav Fisher,Jena. 1062 pp.REFERENCESMalicky, H. 1983. Atlas ofEuropean Trichoptera.Series Entomol. 24. Junk Publishers, The Hague.Tobias, W. & Tobias, D. 1981. Trichoptera Germanica.Bestimmungstafeln filr die deutschenKocherfliegen. Teil I: Imagines. Cour. Forsch.-Inst.Senckenberg 49. Frankfurt a.M.Received 2 April 1986TRICHONCUS VASCONICUS DENIS(ARANEAE, LINYPHIIDAE) NEW TONORWAYERLING HAUGEABSTRACTThe species (1 a + I i.? ) was registered for the firsttime in Norway, in an open coastal habitat in thesouth-eastern part of the country.Hauge, E., Zoological Museum, University of Bergen,Museplass 3, N-5000 Bergen, Norway.AGRIOTYPUS ARMATUS CURTIS, 1832(HYMENOPTERA, ICHNEUMONIDAE,AGRIOTYPINAE) IN NORWAYFRED MIDTGAARDABSTRACTAgriotypus armatus Curtis, 1832 (Hymenoptera,Ichneumonidae, Agriotypinae) is reported new tothe Norwegian fauna. Two specimens were foundat Agdenes in Central Norway.Feed Midtgaard, Norwegian Forest Reseach Institute,P.O. Box 61, N-1432 AS-NLH, Norway.In alcohol preserved material from STY, Agdenes:Storvatnet, EIS 96, 23 Jun. 1973, leg. Solem, colI.Zoological Museum ofTrondheim, two females ofthe striking species Agriotypus armatus Curtis,1832 were found.I have not seen any record of this species fromNorway, but it has been found in e.g. Sweden andEngland (Schmiedeknecht 1930) and could be expectedhere also.Only this species is known from Europe withinthe subfamily Agriotypinae, which by Schmiedeknecht(1930) was regarded as a separate family.The larva parasites larvae of Trichoptera living inmountain rivers (Schmiedeknecht 1930).Fauna norv. Ser. B. 34: Oslo 1987.One a and I i.? were found at Grimestad (VE:Tj0me)(south-eastern Norway)Ju1y 11, 1985 (A.Fjeldsa colI.) in a very dry locality dominated byopen bedrock (dark eruptives) and grasses. Presentwere also some Viscaria vulgaris, Rumex acetocellaand Silene maritima.The systematic status of this species is uncertain(see Locket et al. 1974, Brignoli 1983) and it isdifficult to distinguish from T. saxicola (O.P.­Cambridge) and T. affinis Kulczynski. The presentspecimens have been identified according todescriptions given by Wiehle (1960) and Locket etal. (1974). Especially the dark coloured tibiae 1+11 have been a decicive character. The species isnew to Norway, and is probably the only species ofthe genus occurring in the nordic countries, whereit seems to be restricted to coastal areas.REFERENCESBrignoli, P.M. 1983. A catalogue of the Araneaedescribed between 1940 and 1981. ManchesterUniversity Press, 755 pp.Locket, G.H., Millidge, A.P. and Merrett, P. 1974.British Spiders Ill. Ray Society, London, 314pp.Wiehle, H. 1960. Spinnentiere oder Arachnoidea(Araneae), XI: Micryphantidae-Zwergspinnen.Tierwelt Dtl. 47. Jena, 620 pp.93

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