Full-text - Norsk entomologisk forening

Full-text - Norsk entomologisk forening

Full-text - Norsk entomologisk forening

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New Norwegian Empididae (s.str.) (Dipt.)TERJE JONASSENJonassen, T. 1987. New Norwegian Empididae (s.str.) (Dipt.). Fauna norv. Ser. B 34,37--40.Thirty species of Empididae (s.str.) are reported new to the Norwegian fauna.Terje Jonassen, N-4170 Sjernar0Y, Norway.INTRODUCTIONBelow are given data for 30 species of Empididae(s.str.) that do not seem to be reportedfrom Norway previously. Of these, at leastfive species are new to Scandinavia. This indicatesthat these flies have received relativelylittle attention from preceding Norwegianentomologists. This especially refers tothe Hemerodromiinae where the total numberof Norwegian species hereby is increasedby 55 per cent, from 18 to a total number of28. The Hemerodromiinae are also poorlyknown on a European basis, as indicated bythe scattered records for some of the species(e.g. Hemerodromia, cf. Vaillant 1981). Thisis probably due to their inconspiciousness,both in general appearance and in theirchoice of habitats. They are most commonlyfound in damp situations. I have capturedspecimens in low herbage near water, on mudbanks, on wet rocks and damp moss in andnear streams. The Hydrodromia species haveall been captured skating on minor accumulationsof water, where they at some localitiesare dominant species in the very early days ofspring.The specimens from HA0ya have all beencollected by Fred Midtgaard. Elsewhere,when nothing else is mentioned, the specimenshave been collected by the author and isdeposited in the author's collection. A few ofthe specimens are deposited in the Museum ofZoology, Bergen (ZMB).The identifications follow the works ofEngel (1938-1954), Frey (1954-56), Collin(1961), Straka (1975), Vaillant (1981)and Bartak (1982). Some of my Rhamphomyiaspecies have been verified by Dr. MiroslavBartak, Pecky, Czechoslovakia, whilesome of the Hemerodromiinae have beenchecked by Dr. Riidiger Wagner, Schlitz,FauNl no,.". Se,. B. 34: 37-40. Oslo 1987.Germany (MB and RW, respectively, below).The geographical division of the districtsfollows 0kland (1981).SYSTEMATIC LISTSubfamily EmpidinaeRhagas unica WalkerAK, Frogn: HA0ya, EIS 28, 5-19 May 1984,1 a , 1 ~ (Malaise trap A), 2 aa , 1 ~(Malaise trap B); 3-16 June 1984, 1 ~ (Ma­laise trap A); 19 May-3 June 1984, 1 a(Malaise trap B); RI, Forsand: Songesandskule, EIS 7, 4 June 1983, 1 ~.Rhamphomyia (Pararhamphomyia) a/bidiventrisStroblAK, Frogn: HA0ya, EIS 28,19 May-3 June1984, 1 ~ ; RI, Forsand: Songesand skule,EIS 7,5 June 1984, 1 ~ (MB). This species iseasily distinguished in the female sex due toits white abdomen. There are still some slightincertitude concerning the males of the spe­cies, which Frey originally described underthe name of wo/dstedti. He subsequently sy­nonymized these males with a/bidiventris, ofwhich Strobl's type specimen is a female.There seem, however, not to be any recordsof males and females taken in copula.R. (Pararhamphomyia) a/bipennis (Fallen)RY, Finn0Y: Kyrkj0Y, EIS 14,20 May 1986,1 a.R. (Pararhamphomyia) micropyga CollinAK, Frogn: HA0ya, EIS 28, 19 May-3 June1984, 4 ~~ (Malaise trap A). A rather littleknown species with previous records fromGreat Britain and Czechoslovakia only (Bartak1982).37

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