Full-text - Norsk entomologisk forening

Full-text - Norsk entomologisk forening

Full-text - Norsk entomologisk forening

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Table I. Tipulidae species recorded in Dovrefjell Kongsvoll) is -O.PC, and only 19 days aNational Park.year have daily mean temperature abovelOoC (Nordhagen 1943).Tipula (Aretotipula) salieetorum Siebke, 1870 Malaise trap samples (Fig. 2) from 11 sitesTipula (Vestiplex) excisa Schummel, 1833 along streams and at pools and lakes, haveT. (V.) montana, spp. verbernae Mannheims & been used for this presentation. According toTheowald, 1959the definition of biotic zones in mountainousT. (V.) laeeata Lundstrom & Frey, 1916art:as (Sj0rs 1967, R0nning 1972), one oftheT. (11.) nubeeulosa Meigen, 1804Tipula (Savtshenkia) gimmerthali Lackschewitz, sampling sites was in the middle alpine zone,1925six in the low alpine zone, and four in theT. (S.) invenusta Riedel, 1919 subalpine zone. The middle alpine has pat­T. (S.) limbata Zetterstedt, 1838 ches of plant cover while a continuous plantT. (S.) subnodieornis Zetterstedt, 1837 cover is present in the low alpine zone. TheT. (S.) pagana Meigen, 1818 subalpine is in this area characterized by aT. (S.) griseseens Zetterstedt, 1851 birch belt. Sampling was carried out duringTipula (Platytipula) melanoeeros Schummel, 1833 the years 1980-1983 and covered theTipula (Pterelaehisus) middendorffi Lachsche­ months June to October.witz, 1936Nephrotoma lundbeeki (Nielsen, 1907)Because of difficulties in identifying fema­Prinoeera subserrieornis (Zetterstedt, 1851) les of some of the species, our data includemales only.Table 2. Percentage compor:,;ition of males at dlfferent habitats in 5ubalpine - low alpine - and middle alpine zonesin DuvrefJell NatiolJal Park..Nurnbt:!c of males collected dt the different habitats shown at the bottom lineof the tableMiddlealpineSubalpine zone LoW dlpine zone zoneBlesbk. Raubk Ga vA 1 i Dam Ee Blesbk Blesbk Raubk Dam Kaldv Stcopla Gluptj1000 m YOO m ~30 m .30 m 1200 m 1350 m 1200 m 1100 m 1220 m 1280 m 1450 mTlpu!a (Arc totipula) 5allcetorum 2.0 53.1Tipula (Vestiplex) eXClsa 3.1 1"::'.0 5.4 10.7 4c.8 85.7 34.0 12.5 03.5 30.0 42. ':::'T. (V.) montana 2. ~ 7.0 4.1 7.1T. (V.) Idccata 2. "T. (V.) nubecu10sa 0.7Tipu1a (Savtshenkia) yimrnertha1i 72.3 53. j 00.8 8.3 8.5 55.1 12.5 0.5l T. (S. ) in'Jenusta 0.1 4.2 28.4 25.0 27.7 8.0 0.4 ~l.j 24.0 10.2T. (5. ) suhnodicornis •• 2 18.7 1.4 j .8 12.5 14.3T. (5. ) l~mbata 4.0 0.5 0.7 8.3 0.3~pagana 1.5T. (5. ) gr~~escensO. "TiI)U1a (Pldtyt~pula) me1anoceros 3.1 2.8 2.7 41.3 14. ~ 25.0 0.5NephrotolilC1 1undb~cki 2.1Prinocera sur-!3erriCOrnls? .f!.l'~puld (Pten,.. LH.:h..i.sus) m~ddendorff ~ .0 .~)S.7Number of males 05 214 148 12 47 ;5 78 10 200 4, 1453

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