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Full-text - Norsk entomologisk forening

Full-text - Norsk entomologisk forening

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Univ. Bergen). B. nigriventris is widely distributedin Norwegian lowlands (Greve1987), and the site at Raubekken represents, the highest elevation of any sampling of B.nigriventris in Norway.According to Malaise trap samples, B. fulvipes,B. rufipes, B. pomonae and D. femoratusseem fairly evenly distributed in the subalpinezone. In the alpine zone, B. fulvipesmay be locally abundant and outnumber theremaining Bibionidae species. Readers whowant to know more details, are referred toGreve et al. (l984a).Faro. XylophagidaeOne species, Xylophagus compeditus Wiedemann,1851, was found in the area (Greveet al. 1984b). In addition to localities listed inGreve et al. (1984b), X. compeditus has alsobeen found in TRI Kvrenangen, Kvrenangen(Ent. coIl., Univ. Lund, Sweden), and in F0Porsanger, Kistrand (Zool. Mus., Univ.Oslo), and is thus recorded from all overNorway. X. competidus does not seem to bean abundant species in the Dovrefjell NationalPark. For more details, see Greve et al.(1984b).Faro. RhagionidaeThree species were found: Chrysopilus luteo­Ius (Fallen, 1814) (6 inds), Rhagio scolopacea(L., 1758) (12 inds) and Symphoromyiaerassicornis (Panzer, 1809) (20 inds). Numbersin brackets represent total number ofspecimens.1. Chrysopilus luteolus was not collected inthe survey done by Solem (1985), but 2 0'0' 3~~ were netted by Tore R. Nielsen on 8 July1966, at 800 m a.s.1. near the Biological Stationat Kongsvoll, and 1 ~ at GAvAlia on 20July at 1960 m a.s.1. Both localities are in thesub-alpine zone.C. luteolus has been found scattered inNorway north to northern part of Nordlandprovince (Greve 1984), but was not collectedin the survey of the International BiologicalProgram at Hardangervidda (Greve 1980).The locality at GavAlia at 960 m a.s.1. representsthe highest elevation known in Norway.2. Rhagio scolopacea was collected from twolocalities at Dovrefjell, GAvAlia and Raubekken,both in the sub-alpine zone. There arematerial collected near the Biological Stationat Kongsvoll in both Zool. Mus., Univ. Osloand Zool. Mus., Univ. Tromso.R. scolopacea is distributed all over Norway,and must be considered as very common.R. scolopacea was collected up to between1100 and 1200 m a.s.l., viz. the loweralpine zone on Hardangervidda (Greve 1980).In the lowlands of Norway, the flight periodcommence in late May, and terminates in lateJuly (Greve 1984). The flight period atKongsvoll was found to be late June and July(Fig. 1).3. Symphoromyia erassicornis was collectedat Blesbekken 1980 and 1981 at 1000 m a.s.l.,Raubekken at 900 m a.s.l., GAvAlia and GAvAlibekkenat 930 m a.s.1. In addition, thereare specimens in Zool. Mus., Univ. Bergen,collected near the Kongsvoll Biological Stationand Gronnbakken at 940 m a.s.!. S. erassicornisis a common fly in mountain areas inNorway, but rather rare in the lowlands(Greve 1984). S. erassicornis was collectedup to 1250 m a.s.1. at Hardangervidda (Greve1980). The flight period in the lowland commencein middle of July, most records arefrom July and a few from the first part ofAugust. The flight period in the Kongsvollarea is late June to early August (Tab. 1).Table 1. Flight period of Rhagio scolopacea (L.) and Symphoromyia crassicornis (Panzer) in theKongsvoll area. Numbers give monthly decades.June July AugustSpecies I 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3Rhagio scolopacea x X X XSymphoromyia erassicornis X X X X x77

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