Full-text - Norsk entomologisk forening

Full-text - Norsk entomologisk forening

Full-text - Norsk entomologisk forening

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Table I. Number of individuals of various species of Limoniinae collected in Malaise traps in the years1980, -81, -82, and -83 at streams in the Dovrefjell National Park. Raubekken and Blesbekken weresampled during 1980 and -81, and the 1981 data are given in brackets.Gluptj. Blesbk. Raubk. Dam B Dam C Kallvellsj. Stropla Blesbk. Raubk. GAvAlibk.1452 1350 1200 1200 1150 1150 1220 1289 1000 900 Dam E6 3N IDicranomyia incisurata I 8 3 I I 11Dicranola guerini 10 5 I 8 3 5Phyllolabis macroura I 12 146 139 (66) 263 99 50 42 342 (13) 113 (13) 81Limonia macrostigma 1 (I) I I (I)Eloephila Ir;maculala 2 ITricyphona immaculalQ 4 I (11) I 7 3 10 6 (9) I (10)Erioconopa trivialis 2 19Melanolimonia caledonica I I I (2) (3) 2 (I)Rhaphido/abis exclusda 2 11 23 (I)Dicranomyia modeslQ I I (I)Ormisa fascipennis I 7 5SympleclQ scolica 3 (2) I (6)IdiopJera macropteryx I I (3) 16 9 2 9 3 2 (2) 11Rhypolophus haemorhoidahs7 5 (2) (I)Ormosia staegeriana 2 ( 10) I I (I) 1 (I)Or;marga allenuala I ILimonia sylvico/a 6 I (3) I I (2) 19 (11) 2Dicranomyia hyaUnata 4 2 (2) 4 2 I 7 (I) 66Dicranomyia didyma I I I 15 (2) I ISymp/eCIQ hybrida I 1 I 2 (2)Dicranomyia aUlumna/is I 2 (I) (I)Ula mollissimaBrachy/imnophilanemora/is 4 (I) I 3 3 22 (6) 2 3M%philus flavus 5 ( 12) 14 (11 ) 2SphaeropygD sIigmatica 13 (8) 7 9 (3) 14 (14) 2 1IPhy/idorea squalens (I) ITricyphona schummeli (I) ISacandaga parva (I) 2 IErioconopa diulurna (4) I (7)Melanolimonia rujivenlris 2 2Ormosia pseudosimilisDicranola bimaculalaEuphylidorea phaeosligmaEmpeda cinerascensParadicranola gracilipesUla sylvalica 4R hipidia duplieala I (I)Idioplera jaseiala(I)Crypleria limnophiloidesIMelalimnobia zellerSledliIOrmosia rujicaudaIDicranomyia lerraeno vae(I)Chionea araneoides (4)Paradicranola robUSlaParadicranola pavida66

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