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Full-text - Norsk entomologisk forening

Full-text - Norsk entomologisk forening

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,[Table 3. Relative abundance of the most common species of Limoniidae in Malaise trap collections inlow and subalpine zones in Dovrefjell National Park.N = 1125 Low alpineN = 1006 SubalpinePhyllolabis macrouraIdioptera macropteryxTricyphona immaculataErioconopa trivialisSphaeropyga stimaticaMolophilus flavusDicranomyia hyalinataOrmosia staegerina72.6%3.6%3.3%1.9%1.9%1.5%1.4%1.2%Phyllolabis macrouraDicranomyia hyalinataSphaeropyga stigmaticaLimonia sylvicolaBrachylimnophila nemoralisTricyphona immaculataMolophilus flavusIdioptera macropteryxRhaphidolabis exclusaDicranomyia didymaErioconopa diuturnaDicranomyia incisurata51.5%7.7%7.0%3.6%3.6%2.8%2.8%2.5%2.4%1.9%1.4%1.2%ted 7.7% of numbers, and third was Sphaeropygastigmatica, counting for 7.0%. Thesetwo latter species occurred at 11 sites. Theremaining species in the subalpine zone madeup less than 4% each of the number of specimens.Of the species with low abundance,Trieyphona immaeu/ata and Limonia sy/vieo/awere found at 11 and 10 sites, respectively.All species recorded at 10 or more sitesmust be regarded as widely distributed in thearea sampled. Forty species were collected athalf or fewer number of sites sampled, and ofthese, 15 species were found at one site and 6at two sites only (Tab. 4), and are very locallydistributed or rare in the Dovrefjell NationalPark. Five species were recorded on the westernside only, and 10 species on the easternside only (Tab. 1).PHENOLOGYThe flight period of the Limoniidae in theDovrefjell mountains was June to October.Six species occurred as adults in June, 37 inJuly, 20 in August, 14 in September, and 10in October (see Tab. 5). The first species toappear were Idioptera macropteryx and Symp/eetahybrida. The latest species in autumnwere Dicranomyia hya/inata, Sphaeropygastigmatiea, and Chionea araneoides, ten species,Me/ano/imonia ea/edoniea, Idiopteramacropteryx, U/a mo//issima, Paradicranotarobusta, P. pavida, U/a sy/vatiea, Symp/eetahybrida, S. seotiea, Saeandaga parva, andRhipidia dup/ieata, fly in early summer. Late68summer and autumn species are Dicranomyiadidyma, D. autumna/is, D. modesta, D. terraenovae,Sphaeropyga stigmatiea, Chioneaaraneoides, and Erieonopa diuturna. Thelongest flight period had Dieranyomyia hya/inata,extending from July to October, andonly three more species, Sphaeropyga stigmatiea,Limonia sy/vieo/a, and Phy//o/abismacroura, and flight periods longer than twomonths.Table 4. Species collected at 1 or 2 sites only, andwhich are rare or locally abundant in the DovrefjellNational Park.1 site 2 sitesVIa mollissimaEloephila trimaculataDicranota bimaculata Erioconopa trivialisEuphylidorea phaeostigma Dicranomyia modestaEmpeda cinerascens Tricyphona schummeliParadicranota gracilipes Melanolimonia rufiventrisUla sylvaticaOrmosia pseudosimilisRhipidia duplicataIdioptera fasciataCrypteria limnophiloidesMetalimnobia zetterstedtiOrmosia ruficaudaDicranomyia terraenovaeChionea araneoidesParadicranota robustaParadicranota pavida

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