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Full-text - Norsk entomologisk forening

Full-text - Norsk entomologisk forening

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,(Table 6. Number ofspecies collected each month, and their percentage each month of the total number ofspecies. Data given for Dovrefjell, Norway, and Tornetrask, Messaure and Angeran, Sweden. (Datafrom Varanger, North Norway, could not be used because the sampling was not continuous over thewarm season).May June July Aug Sept Oct NovDovrefjell/mountain area62° ITN, 09°59'E; n '" 45- 613.4%3782.2%2044.5%1431.1%1022.2%Tornetrask/mountain area68°21'N, 18°49'E; n '" 73- 912.3%5271.2%5676.7%1926.0%34.1%Messaure/woodland area66°42'N, 20 0 25'E; n '" 9322.2%3537.6%5660.2%6064.5%3941.9%1212.9%22.2%AngerAnlcoastal area63°35'N, 19°50'E; n '" 62 24.1%1562.9%3966.1%4143.5%278.0%51.6%refjell mountains differ in several features.Firstly, the peak in number ofspecies is muchmore pronounced at Dovrefjell, and secondly,a higher percentage of species arepresent in autumn at Dovrefjell than at theSwedish localities. The Dovrefjell and Tornetraskcollections both have a low numberof species in June, which certainly is causedby the late snowmelting in the mountains.While a definite peak in the number of speciesappeared in July at Dovrefjell, nearlyequal numbers were found in July and August,with the very peak in August, at theSwedish localities. The low number of speciesfound at Tornetrask in October comparedto what was the case at Dovrefjell, may berelated to the difference in daylength at thattime between Tornetrask and Dovrefjell(look at the difference in latitude). The percentagesgiven in Tab. 6 show a s~rprisingsimilarity between Messaure and AngerAnlocalities. The differences between these twoand Tornetrask and Dovrefjell, may be relatedto differences in altitudes between thelocalities. Dovrefjell and TornetraskJue mountainareas, while Messaure and Angeninare lowland areas.ZOOGEOGRAPHYDovrefjell N. P. has a very interesting Limoniidaefauna. We have listed 45 species fromthe area. Among these, Dicranomyia (s. str.)ineisurata is new for Scandinavia and NorthEurope. Three species, Dicranota (Paradieranota)robusta, Ufa mollissima and Sympleetaseotiea are new to the Norwegian70fauna. When comparing the list of speciesfrom Dovrefjell with other Scandinavianareas, we have 29 spp. in common with Varanger,North Norway (where 51 spp. werefound); 37 spp. with the Tornetrask mountains(73 spp); 33 spp. with the forest area inMessaure (9J spp); and 24 spp. with the coastalarea at AngerAn (62 spp.). Phyllolabrismacroura and Dicranomyia incisurata aretypical for montane or northern latitudeareas. Idioptera macropteryx, Sympleeta seoliea,Saeandaga parva, Dicranomyia hyalinataand D. terraenovae, have a northern distribution.The remaining species are more orless widely distributed in the western part ofPalaearctic. Sixteen of the species are distributedto the eastern part of Asia, and three,Ormosia fascipennis, Rhipidia duplieata andDicranomyia terraenovae also belong to theNorth American fauna (Tab. 7).NOTES ON SPECIESOf the species collected at Dovrefjell, thefollowing must be commented on specifi­cally.Dicranota (Paradicranota) robusta Lund­strom,1912Distribution: North and Middle Europe,Little Asia. Described from Finnish material,and later reported two times from Sweden(Smaland and Messaure). Reported also fromDenmark; Great Britain; Allgau, Germany;Austria and Jugoslavia. This is the first reportfrom Norway.

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