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Full-text - Norsk entomologisk forening

Full-text - Norsk entomologisk forening

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The thrips fauna near Kongsvoll in the Dovrefjellmountains (Sor-Trondelag County, South Norway);distribution and habitat/host plant. (Thys., Insecta)*ANDERS OLSENOlsen, A. 1987. The thrips fauna near Kongsvoll in the Dovrefjell mountains (Sor­Trondelag County, South Norway); distribution and habitat/host plant. (Thys., Insecta).Fauna norv. Ser. B, 34, 80--91.A total of 27 thrips species were recorded near Kongsvoll in the Dovrefjell mountains(840-1684 m a.s.!.). Ten species were recorded above the tree border (abt 1100 ma.s.!.). Only Apterothrips secticornis (Trybom), Aptinothrips stylifer Trybom andThrips vulgatissimus Haliday were found in the middle alpine (>1430 m a.s.!.). Severalspecies had low population densities in the area, probably due to climatic conditions orto lack of food plants near their elevation limit. Other species were present in highnumbers. The most abundant thrips species was T. vulgatissimus, whose larval developmentis largely dependent on the extensive SaUx vegetation in the area.Scolothrips uzeli ScilIe is reported from Norway for the first time.Anders Olsen, University of Trondheim, Department of Zoology, N-70SS Dragvoll,Norway.INTRODUCTIONKjellsen (1975) studied life history and populationdynamics of Aptinothrips styli/er Trybornand Apterothrips secticornis (Tryborn)on Hardangervidda (Hordaland County,West Norway). More recently Olsen & Solem(1982) listed some thrips records fromNorwegian highlands, and Olsen (1984) reportedsex ratios of three species of thripsliving near Kongsvoll in the Dovrefjell mountains(Sor-Trondelag County, Central Norway).Informations on the Norwegian alpinethrips fauna from other sources are fragmentary.The main objective of the present studywas an inventory of the thrips fauna at Dov­refjell. Collecting started in 1976, but themain field work was done during the summers1977, 1978, and 1984.Nomenclature and systematic arrangementof thrips species follow Jacot-Guillarmod(1970-78), apart from T. atratus Haliday,T. pini Uzel, and T. vulgatissimus Halidaywhich in accordance with Mound et al.(1976) are transferred from TaeniothripsAmyot & Serville to Thrips L. In addition,• Printing grant given by Kongsvoll biologicalstation.80the catalogue of Jacot-Guillarmod does atpresent not comprise subfam. Phlaeothripinae(fam. Phlaeothripidae, suborder Tubulifera),and nomenclature and systematic ar­rangement here follow Priesner (1964). Foridentifications the keys in Ahlberg (1926),Maltbrek (1932), Priesner (1964), Mound etal. (1976), and Schliephake & Klint (1979)were used. Plant nomenclature is in agree­ment with Lid (1974).SAMPLING LOCALITIESSampling was carried out near Kongsvoll inthe Dovrefjell mountains. The sampling areaincludes the upper part of the Drivdalen valley,H0gsnyta, Kongsvoll, Gr0nbakken, theGAvAlia areas, and the western parts of theKnutsho mountains. For detailed accountson geology, climate and vegetation in thearea, see e.g. Gjrerevoll (1975), Nordhagen(1943), Strand (1975).Because of conspicuous differences in vegetationand of course altitude, an individualspecies list is presented from each of the followingparts of the area sampled:1) The mixed vegetation along the Drivariver (840 to 940 m a.s.l.). Near Kongsvollbiological station small fields alternateFauna norv. SeT. B. 34: 80-91. Oslo 1987.

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