Untitled - Technische Universiteit Eindhoven

Untitled - Technische Universiteit Eindhoven

Untitled - Technische Universiteit Eindhoven

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102 7. Permeability reduction in porous materials by in situ formed silica gelof the pushrod was monitored through a linear-variable differential transformer (LVDT,Macrosensors). The span (L) of the supports was 110 mm. The sandstone plates weresupported by two different stainless steel supports. One consisted of a recessed ball, theother of a pivoting cylinder. This configuration was chosen to prevent torsion. The spanin this case was 150 mm. A round-tipped pushrod (diameter = 6.3 mm) was used to bendthe plates. A load cell with a capacity of ± 1000 g was mounted onto the stepper motor.In addition a 1000 g counter-weight was mounted on the pushrod.Fig. 7.2: Photo of beam bending set-up. A rectangular beam is placed in the bath.The rock samples and gel rods were put in the bath at least 30 minutes in advanceof the bending experiment in order to equilibrate thermally and mechanically. Duringbending deflections of about 1 or 1.5 mm were applied to the gels, whereas a deflection ofabout 35 µm was applied to the rock samples. The small deflection for the rock sampleswas chosen because of the limited load capacity of the system and in order to preventthe rock samples from cracking or breaking. Due to the small deflection with respect tothe surface roughness – the grain size of the sandstone is on the order of 50 to 500 µm– the bending measurement is sensitive to the effect of slipping of the pushrod at thesurface or slipping of the rock on the supports. Test measurements indicated that thiseffect occurred by yielding unrealistically low moduli (E p ) for some samples and scatteredresults when a sample was repeatedly measured. Therefore the samples were preloadedwith a net load of about 100 g prior to the equilibration period to promote a more stablesettling of the rock and pushrod. The total load upon deflection is on the order of 1 kg.7.4 Results and discussion7.4.1 GelsGel propertiesFour series of gel rods were prepared. The TMOS concentration was varied in series Iand IV. The concentration was kept fixed in series II and III, but extra salt, in the formof sodium-chloride (NaCl), was added in various concentrations, C S , up to 80 mMolal.The effect of additional salt on the gel properties was investigated in consideration of

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