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Untitled - Technische Universiteit Eindhoven

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104 7. Permeability reduction in porous materials by in situ formed silica gel1.0510.950.9normalized load0.850.80.750.7data0.65 fitVEelastic0.610 −2 10 −1 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 5 10 6time [s]Fig. 7.3: Results of beam bending experiment on a gel rod (φ Si = 0.123 ± 0.007, pH = 3.1,no extra salt, aging time 91 hours). The total fit is the product of hydrodynamicrelaxation (dotted line) and viscoelastic (VE) relaxation (dashed line). The numberdensity of the data points of the normalized load, indicated by the circles, is reducedto one-fourth for the sake of clarity.the shrinkage occurred uniformly in all three dimensions. The volume contraction factoris therefore equal to (d final /d initial ) 3 .Relaxation analysisThe data obtained from the beam bending measurements was analyzed in terms of theapplied load versus time. The normalized load of each measurement was plotted andfitted with Eq. 7.9 using the hydrodynamic relaxation expression for cylinders (Eq. 7.1)and the stretched exponential function (Eq. 7.10) for the viscoelastic contribution. Themeasured relaxation and the fit were in excellent agreement for each gel rod. Figure 7.3shows the results for one of the gel rods (φ Si = 0.123 ± 0.007, pH = 3.1, no extra saltadded, aging time 91 hours). It can be observed in this figure that the gel exhibits asignificant degree of VE relaxation, but the effect is only important on a time scale muchlonger than the time scale of the hydrodynamic relaxation and both relaxation effectsare well separated. Similar VE behavior was exhibited by all other gel rods. The VErelaxation is attributed to the presence of water in the pores, and chemical attack of thewater on the present siloxane bonds in the network [126, 135]. Therefore, the exchange ofthe mother liquid with ethanol appears to be incomplete, nevertheless the hydrodynamicrelaxation could readily be extracted from the relaxation data.For the gels the fit yields the following parameters. First, Poisson’s ratio ν p wasdirectly calculated from the amount of hydrodynamic relaxation A resulting from thefit. The average ν p was found to be 0.20 ± 0.02. The modulus E p follows from A and

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