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Untitled - Technische Universiteit Eindhoven

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124 8. Model of reactive transport of an oil-soluble chemical in porous mediathat the TMOS tends to remain in the oleic phase. However, E decreases as the methanolconcentration is increased. Ultimately, E is about 0.8. It is noted that the values for Edepend on the choice of ε 0 and a, both of which are arbitrary at this point. In the followingsection these parameters are varied and the results are discussed.Finally, from the simulated profiles of w T o the volume fractions φ T of TMOS in oil –at five different positions (slices) along the core – were derived and plotted against time(indicated by the solid curves in Figure 8.6). The purpose is to compare, qualitatively, thecalculated concentration profiles with the experimentally derived concentration profiles(see also Chapter 6). Direct quantitative comparison with the experimental profiles isnot plausible due to a number of uncertain parameters and due to the uncertainty in themeasured profiles. (no buffer)z = -25 mmz = -12.5 mmz = 0 mmz = 12.5 mmz = 25 mm0. (pH = 2.84)k = 1.39 x 10 -3 s -1z = -25 mmz = -12.5 mmz = 0 mmz = 12.5 mmz = 25 mm0.120.12φ T[-]0.1φ T[-]0.10.08z (solid curves) = 3.23 x 10 -4 s -1 0 5 10 15 200.040.02z (solid curves)00 5 10 15 20time [h]0time [h] (pH = 6.2)z = -12.5 mmz = 0 mmz = 12.5 mmz = 25 mm0. (pH = 9.48)k = 8.8 x 10 -5 s -1z = -25 mmz = -12.5 mmz = 0 mmz = 12.5 mmz = 25 mm0.120.12φ T[-]0.1φ T[-]k = 3.2 x 10 -5 s -1 0 5 10 15 5 10 15 20time [h]0time [h]Fig. 8.6: Measured concentration profiles in the core injection experiments (see also Chapter6) for the different slice positions indicated by the symbols. The solid curves are thesimulated concentration profiles. The reaction constants k are displayed in the graphsand are based on the bulk experiment results. The other parameters are defined inSections 8.4.1 and 8.4.2.The experiments performed at 25 ◦ C are considered. For the simulations the reactionconstants k are based on the values obtained from the bulk experiments (see Chapter4). As was discussed in Chapter 6 the experimentally determined concentration profiles

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