The Rimba Raya Biodiversity Reserve REDD Project

The Rimba Raya Biodiversity Reserve REDD Project

The Rimba Raya Biodiversity Reserve REDD Project


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second overarching biodiversity objective is to support the workthat OFI and Dr. Biruté Galdikas have carried out for decades,with a number of project activities aimed at extending OFI’sconservation, rehabilitation, and environmental educationprograms.Beyond extending a physical buffer along the eastern border ofTPNP, the project envisions the creation of a social buffer toalleviate external pressures on the park and project area. Byactively engaging the communities within the project zone,InfiniteEARTH hopes to build on the work that World Educationhas initiated over the past few years, improving access to healthcare, education, and other government services, and workingwith households to ensure food security. In addition, allmembers of project-­‐zone communities will have access toemployment and capacity-­‐building opportunities with the projectitself, and they will benefit from the protection of ecosystemservices that will result naturally from project activities.<strong>The</strong> <strong>Rimba</strong> <strong>Raya</strong> project, if successful, will serve as a for-­‐profitmodel for the integrated protection of national parks that do nothave sufficient resources to ensure the integrity of their ownborders. <strong>The</strong> final project objective is to disseminate informationabout this model globally via an interactive education programfocusing on new research and conservation work by OFI and Dr.Galdikas.G3.2. Description of Major <strong>Project</strong> ActivitiesDescribe each project activity with expected climate, community andbiodiversity impacts and its relevance to achieving the project’sobjectives.Establishment of <strong>Rimba</strong> <strong>Raya</strong> <strong>Reserve</strong><strong>The</strong> primary project activity will be the establishment of the<strong>Rimba</strong> <strong>Raya</strong> <strong>Reserve</strong>, a privately-­‐funded protected areacomprising 91,215 ha of peat swamp, lowland and kerangasforest along the eastern boundary of Tanjung Puting NationalPark. <strong>The</strong> management plan envisions the creation of a series ofguard towers, a fire response plan and fire brigade, and acomprehensive monitoring system. <strong>The</strong>se measures will helpensure the permanence of <strong>Project</strong> Area carbon stocks andbiodiversity and the territorial integrity of TPNP. In addition,project proponents will fund significant enrichment andrehabilitation work inside the <strong>Project</strong> Area, increasing carbonstocks and habitat available for biodiversity.Guard post network. OFI has been instrumental in funding andbuilding a small network of guard posts along the perimeter ofTanjung Puting over the past two decades, with the bulk of theseposts located along the park boundaries to the north and west.<strong>The</strong> <strong>Rimba</strong> <strong>Raya</strong> project will extend this network of guard poststo create comprehensive observation and communicationcoverage along the eastern side of the park and project area.127

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