The Rimba Raya Biodiversity Reserve REDD Project

The Rimba Raya Biodiversity Reserve REDD Project

The Rimba Raya Biodiversity Reserve REDD Project


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G5.2. Documentation of <strong>Project</strong> ApprovalDocument that the project has approval from the appropriateauthorities, including the established formal and/or traditionalauthorities customarily required by the communities.Government Approval<strong>The</strong> process for acquiring the IUPHHK-­‐RE concession license fromthe Government of Indonesia is lengthy and complicated by theabsence of an administrative framework for <strong>REDD</strong> projects,currently under development. <strong>Project</strong> proponents have alreadyobtained the following necessary documents and authorizations:sanction of the project pending completion of a numberof administrative steps (See Figure 45 below).SP-­‐2. Upon completion of a comprehensiveEnvironmental Impact Assessment by project proponents,the Minister of Forestry issues this document instructingthe government to issue the IUPHHK-­‐RE followingpayment to the government of license fee. ExpectedDate: May 31, 2010.SK. Minister’s Decree officially authorizing IUPHHK-­‐RElicense. Expected Date: July 31, 2010. Official Area Verification. Government-­‐issued mapindicating the license area boundaries and confirming thatthere are no conflicting recognized claims to the <strong>Project</strong>Area (see Figure 42 below). Bupati’s Recommendation. Letter from the head of theSeruyan District government granting local approval tothe project and recommending that the nationalgovernment issue the license (see Figure 43, below).Governor’s Recommendation. Letter from the head ofCentral Kalimantan granting provincial approval to theproject and recommending that the national governmentissue the license (see Figure 44, below).<strong>Project</strong> proponents are awaiting the following documents andauthorizations.Community ApprovalNo formal process for obtaining community approval exists.Nonetheless, village heads in <strong>Project</strong> Zone communities wereconsulted during the social survey, and all gave their tacitapproval pending continued community involvement in projectdesign and implementation as evidenced by their signatures onthe “PT RIMBA RAYA CONSERVATION PROJECT COMMUNITYSUPPORT MEMO”. See Figure 46.For a complete copy set or both the English and BahasaIndonesia versions of the Community Support Memos, pleasesee Annex 3.SP-­‐1. Tentative national-­‐level approval of the project bythe Minister of Forestry. This document bars all otherapplications for the <strong>Project</strong> Area and signals official198

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