The Rimba Raya Biodiversity Reserve REDD Project

The Rimba Raya Biodiversity Reserve REDD Project

The Rimba Raya Biodiversity Reserve REDD Project


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<strong>The</strong> revised Toolkit for Indonesia includes a table for Kalimantan(Table 8.3.1 in the revised Toolkit) that lists each land system,corresponding ecosystem types associated with it, andconservation status of these ecosystems as rare or endangered,based on expert input and reference to other conservationpriority setting schemes commonly used in Indonesia (e.g. theWWF Global 200 Ecoregions).If a land system present in an assessment area (i.e., the <strong>Project</strong>Zone) is defined as rare or endangered with reference to theprecautionary approach defined in the Toolkit, then all remainingnatural ecosystems on the ground – within such land systems –are defined as HCV 3. (Note: the precautionary approach foridentifying HCV 3 is necessarily more conservative than theanalytical approach, meaning that in some parts of Indonesia, agiven ecosystem will be more likely to be classified as HCV 3using the former than the latter.)Eight land systems are present in the <strong>Project</strong> Zone, and they areshown in Figure 16, below. <strong>The</strong>se land systems, their associatedecosystems, and HCV 3 status are summarized in Table 13.LandSystemTable 13. A summary of HCV 3 ecosystemspresent in the <strong>Project</strong> ZoneAssociated ecosystemsRarityStatusEndangeredStatusMDW Shallow peat < 2 m depth -­‐ EndangeredKerangas of various forms &EndangeredSGT medium extensive areas oflowland MDF-­‐BWNKerangas in various forms &Endangered-­‐limited areas of lowland MDFKHY Riparian & alluvium forest -­‐ EndangeredSBG Riparian & alluvium forest -­‐ EndangeredSRM Shallow peat < 1 m depth -­‐ EndangeredBeach forest and otherEndangeredPTGRarevegetationKLR Grass & reed swamps Rare EndangeredAll of these land systems are considered HCV 3, rare orendangered ecosystems, following the precautionary approachoutlined in the revised Toolkit.Based on available data for vegetation mapping in the <strong>Project</strong>Zone, areas classified as natural vegetation in Figure 7 (seeSection G1.2 above) can be considered an indicative map of HCV3 areas in the <strong>Project</strong> Zone.70

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