The Rimba Raya Biodiversity Reserve REDD Project

The Rimba Raya Biodiversity Reserve REDD Project

The Rimba Raya Biodiversity Reserve REDD Project


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CM1.2. Impact of <strong>Project</strong> Activities on HighConservation ValuesDemonstrate that no High Conservation Values identified in G1.8.4-­‐6will be negatively affected by the project.(Study conducted by Daemeter Consulting)Maintaining and enhancing forests and other natural ecosystemsis key to protecting HCVs 4-­‐6 and their associated sub-­‐values inthe <strong>Project</strong> Zone, as described and identified under SectionsG1.8.4-­‐6.None of the planned project activities will have a negative impacton HCVs in the <strong>Project</strong> Zone. <strong>Project</strong> activities are heavilyfocused on maintaining and enhancing forests and naturalecosystems, and thus the environmental, social, and culturalbenefits derived from them. Such activities will have a strongpositive impact on HCVs 4-­‐6. Table 39 below summarizes keythreats to HCVs and recommended project activities to addressthreats within the framework of the project.Some of these HCV sub-­‐values require attention to specific areaswithin the <strong>Project</strong> Zone, including: preserving mature forest fornatural fire breaks near sources of fire in the south (HCV 4.3);protecting shoreline forest or other natural vegetation along LakeSembuluh; rehabilitating riparian forest zones along the Seruyanand its major tributaries (HCV 4.1); and monitoring communalforest areas used for subsistence timber production outside ofthe <strong>Project</strong> Area but inside the <strong>Project</strong> Zone east of the Seruyan(HCV 5). Additionally, maintenance of some HCVs will requireeducation programs for local communities, e.g. to reduce oreliminate the use of fire in the open wetlands in the south whereit has been suggested fishermen do this periodically to renewseasonal shallow water fishing grounds.243

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