The Rimba Raya Biodiversity Reserve REDD Project

The Rimba Raya Biodiversity Reserve REDD Project

The Rimba Raya Biodiversity Reserve REDD Project


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the project and recommending that the nationalgovernment issue the license (see Figure 42, Section G5.2)Governor’s Recommendation -­‐ Letter from the head ofCentral Kalimantan granting provincial approval to theproject and recommending that the national governmentissue the license (see Figure 43, Section G5.2)Minister’s Decree (SP-­‐1). Tentative national-­‐levelapproval of the project by the Minister of Forestry. Thisdocument bars all other applications for the <strong>Project</strong> Areaand signals official sanction of the project pendingcompletion of a number of administrative steps. (seeFigure 44, Section G5.2)<strong>Project</strong> proponents are awaiting the following documents andauthorizations. SP-­‐2. Upon completion of an abbreviated EnvironmentalImpact Assessment by project proponents, the Minister ofForestry issues this document instructing the governmentto issue the IUPHHK-­‐RE following payment to thegovernment of license fee. Expected Date: June 2010. SK. Minister’s Decree officially authorizing IUPHHK-­‐RElicense. Expected Date: July 2010.Carbon stocks in <strong>Rimba</strong> <strong>Raya</strong> are primarily comprised of below-­groundpeat and above-­‐ground tree biomass. <strong>The</strong>se carbon poolswere quantified for the Carbon Accounting Area, consisting of47,006 ha. Stratification of the project area and methods ofcarbon calculation are briefly described below and detailed in theBaseline Report (Annex 4) and project methodology 1 .Total carbon stocks were calculated by strata (land cover typeand peat depth and distribution) using guidance and toolsprovided by the project methodology and the IPCC 2003 GoodPractice Guidance (GPG) for Land Use, Land-­‐Use Change andForestry (LULUCF). Peat and aboveground tree biomass wereincluded in carbon stock change calculations, while abovegroundnon-­‐tree biomass, litter, and deadwood were conservativelyexcluded. Carbon stocks and baseline GHG emissions wereestimated based on equations provided in the methodology.<strong>Project</strong>-­‐specific data from field surveys, high resolution aerialimage acquisition, and remote sensing and G.I.S. analysis wereused whenever appropriate and were supplemented byrecommended default data values from IPCC and peer-­‐reviewedscience.G1.4. Current Carbon Stocks within the <strong>Project</strong> AreaCurrent carbon stocks within the project area, using stratification byland-­‐use or vegetation type and methods of carbon calculation (such asbiomass plots, formulae, default values) from the IntergovernmentalPanel on Climate Change’s 2006 Guidelines for National GHGInventories for Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (IPCC 2006 GLfor AFOLU) or a more robust and detailed methodology.1 <strong>The</strong> methodology for this project follows the “Baseline and MonitoringMethodology for Conservation <strong>Project</strong>s that Avoid Planned Land UseConversion in Peat Swamp Forests, Version 5.1 December, 2009”, developedby Winrock International 1 . 1 accessed April 10, 2010 at http://www.v-­‐c-­s.org/docs/NM-­‐Baseline-­‐Component_A-­‐Land-­‐Use-­‐Change-­‐(plantations)_v5.1_031209.pdf24

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