Loading New System Tables - Clovis Municipal School District

Loading New System Tables - Clovis Municipal School District

Loading New System Tables - Clovis Municipal School District


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minutes field allows values from 1-400. Also, the Help button hasbeen updated to use the Framework.• Student Test Number Lookup - The List of LM Language Codeshas been updated to include 067 - Bandi/Bande (West Africa) and209 - Ebira/Egbira (Nigeria). Kansas (Student) –o Curriculum - The Mass Change Curriculum Master Fields utility will nowupdate both Effective and Expiration date fields.o Health Records - The hard-coded Tdap rule requiring one valid dose ofTdap for DTP has been removed.o KIDS –• Logic has been added to pull multiple TITL records for KIDS if thestudent was dual-enrolled in different schools.• Sequencing has been corrected for KCCMS, LPR, and STCO.• STCO - The procedure for sequencing has been changed forPass/Fail entities and will be correct for STCO.o Other Exports\LPR Data - The LPR Export has been updated to pull arecord per Educator ID and KCC ID. KCC ID is now a unique record ID. Michigan (Student) –o SkyBuild - The Illuminate import layout has been adjusted. Initial IEPCompletion Date has been added to line 15 and Part C TransitionTimeliness has been added to line 19. Minnesota (Business) –o STAR - The STAR Assignment import from Student has been modified sothat when a record with a Social Security Number of 000-00-0000 isfound, it will identify the employee by File Folder Number instead. <strong>New</strong> Jersey (Student) –o Discipline –• The data entry screens and VV-SA Report has been updated toaccount for the 2013-2014 changes made by the state.• The Suspension of Students with Disabilities Report has beenupdated to match the 2013-2014 form posted by the state.o NJSMART - NJSMART processing has been updated to pull Homelessstatus during the year and not just as of the Snapshot Date forOctober/June State Submissions.o Special Education - The State Reporting tab has been updated to displayand allow updates to the Parental Consent fields for students whoentered Special Ed in a different district than the one they're currentlyattending. <strong>New</strong> Mexico (Student) –o STARS - STARS Student and Student Snapshot templates have beenupdated to pull Gifted Participation as "Y" only if the student has anactive Gifted Placement as of the Snapshot Date. Pennsylvania (Business) –o PIMS - The PIMS filename formats have been corrected. Pennsylvania (Student) –o Child Accounting <strong>System</strong> (CAD) - The PDE 4002/4062 reports have beenupdated for audit purposes to print each student enrollment recordinstead of combining records into a single record.

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