User manual - ICP DAS USA

User manual - ICP DAS USA

User manual - ICP DAS USA


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}return (-1);//I8017H InitialI8017_Init(2);//I8017H _Channel SetupI8017_SetChannelGainMode(2,2,0,0);// First Method:Get AI ValuehAi = I8017_GetCurAdChannel_Hex(2);printf("8017_AI_not_Cal_Hex =%x\n",hAi);fAi = HEX_TO_FLOAT_Cal(hAi,2,0);calibrated AI Float Valueprintf("8017_AI_Cal_Float =%f\n\n",fAi);//Get Not-calibrated AI Hex Value//Not-calibrated AI Hex Value modify to// Second Method:Get AI ValuehAi = I8017_GetCurAdChannel_Hex_Cal(2); //Get Calibrated AI Hex Valueprintf("8017_AI_Cal_Hex =%x\n",hAi);fAi = CalHex_TO_FLOAT(hAi,0);//Calibrated AI Hex Value modify to Calibrated AI Float Valueprintf("8017_AI_Cal_Float =%f\n\n",fAi);// Third Method:Get AI ValuefAi = I8017_GetCurAdChannel_Float_Cal(2); //Get Calibrated AI Float Valueprintf("8017_AI_Cal_Float =%f\n\n\n",fAi);}Close_Slot(2);return 0;All the steps from programming to execution are the same as those in the section 7.1.The result of execution refers to Fig. 7-15.Fig. 7-15sLinPAC-8x4x SDK:264

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