Consumer Protection Act - Finlex

Consumer Protection Act - Finlex

Consumer Protection Act - Finlex


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Section 9 (85/1993)Before the conclusion of a consumer credit agreement the consumer shall benotified of the contract terms and any other information referred to in section 11,in addition to which he/she shall be provided with an opportunity to perusethem in writing.Provisions on the consumer credit agreementSection 10 (85/1993)(1) A consumer credit agreement shall be concluded in writing. The consumer shallbe given a copy of the agreement.(2) The consumer shall not be charged any payment, interest, fee or compensationthat is not included in the terms of the agreement referred to in paragraph (1).Section 11 (85/1993)(1) The consumer credit agreement shall state:(1) the amount or limit of the credit, if any;(2) the payments, interest and other credit costs relating to the granting anduse of the credit;(3) the due date of the credit or, if the credit is to be paid in instalments, theamount and due date of each instalment or the other repayment conditions;(4) the credit price, any down payment and the cash price if the agreementrelates to a goods-or-services-related credit;(5) other terms of the contract;(6) the right, based on section 12, to pay the credit before maturity and thedetermination of the compensation therefor, if any; as well as(7) the annual percentage rate of charge.(2) In an agreement relating to a running account credit and in another agreementrelating to credit that varies in amount, the annual percentage rate of chargemay be expressed in the form of an example describing a typical use of the credit.(3) The terms of a consumer credit agreement may stipulate that the interest ratepayable on the credit shall vary in accordance with the basic rate of interestcharged by the Bank of Finland of other reference interest rate detailed in theagreement. The reference interest rate shall be public and based on matters not41

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